Other mistake: When Lizard enters the trailer he closes the trailer door. When Lynn runs towards the trailer and enters it the door was already open.

Other mistake: When Wendy and Kevin are grabbing lunch, just before Frankie Cheeks dies, the guy asks to take their orders (via the microphone) Wendy and Kevin never reply throughout the rest of the scene, and they are at the restaurant for at least another 2-3 minutes (during the whole of Frankie's death sequence) The guy working at the restaurant must be extremely patient not to ask for their orders again.

Other mistake: Denning and Grim are chasing the puppies through a field and their car runs out of gas. They sit there and talk for a few seconds and then they get the net, though in the next shot, when they are chasing the puppies on foot, they are only a few steps behind them.

Other mistake: In the scene when Hector Lavoe and his wife (Mark Anthony and JLo) are walking down the street in New York, on the right hand of the screen you will see a man taking a picture with his cell phone. The scene is supposed to be based in the 70's.

Other mistake: After they discover the money is fake, Victor calls Prosper "Proper".

Other mistake: After the stranger calls Jill in the guest house, she celebrates the fact that she kept him on the line for longer than a minute. However, this conversation was significantly shorter than their last, and in reality it only clocks in at around twenty seconds.

Other mistake: During the hill climb up terrain shaped like a valley with rocks on either side, a soldier is directly hit with a large explosive, probably from the big guns, and his severed head lands down on another soldier's back, who is crouching to help another man. When the head lands on his back, it is just an empty helmet, but when he looks at it on the ground, you see the partially alive, severed head lying next to it with much of the neck still attached.

Other mistake: During the 25 years time span of the movie, all of the characters age noticeably except for Clover and Damon. He, miraculously, goes through his teens, 20s and up to his late 40s gaining just a couple of gray hairs and a few wrinkles around his mouth, plus the same young voice from the early days.

Other mistake: After Todd phones Bob and tells him about the rinkle-dinkle regarding Larry's request, when the Munros sing about the Rolling Turd, in the close-up, as the RV drives past the camera, the sideview mirror is deliberately turned all the way around so as not to see the crew's reflection. This also occurs when Bob asks the Trooper about the traffic jam around Mt. Watson. (01:14:00)

Other mistake: When Buddy reaches inside the fuse box, after Finch puts snow in it. They cut right from him pulling it out to show his hands and there is a snowball in his hands. We do not see a snowball in the fuse box and he does not have time to shape one.

Other mistake: When Julia is trying to pop her zit with a plier, it's obvious she isn't applying any pressure.

Other mistake: When David finds the bodies in the station and the husband swinging from the fan, there are no bullet holes in his back, but there was blood on the wall behind him when he was shot.

Other mistake: This mistake occurs when Borden crashes Angier's act. Borden emerges from the trick door for the Transported Man trick, feigns surprise, and then "discovers" the bound and gagged double suspended above the stage. When Borden says "Ah, the Great Danton" you can see the ring and pinkie fingers on his left hand moving, even though he had already lost them by this time in the movie. We know that it has to be after the time BOTH twins lost their fingers because Olivia observed Borden's trick and says that "it is the same man" because she was fooled by both Bordens having their gloves stuffed.

Other mistake: When Helen kills the zombie bully she fires 9 shots from a 6 shot revolver.

Other mistake: Watch the Crown Princes body after he's shot himself in the head at the end of the film. As Inspector Uhl tells the men who broke in what happened, the Crown Prince is still breathing very heavily and noticeably.

Other mistake: In the opening credits, it says co-starring (in alphabetical order), however Charna Halpern is after Tim Walsh and before Debra Wilson. She should be listed after James Grace.

Other mistake: After Jeff gets the key from the Rack trap room, the shotgun fires and hits the judge. He is standing with the shotgun to his right, yet he is hit on the left side of his face. There is also an inconsistency with the timing. The gun fires, then the actor turns to reveal the wound on the left side of his face. It's easier (but in no way required) to see the glaring mistake with slow motion.

Other mistake: William B. Davis plays a US Air Force General. Unfortunately, the Wardrobe Dept took a CANADIAN Royal Air Force jacket and put US insignia on it. The noticeable difference is the epaulets, which don't reach all the way to the jacket collar. On US military uniforms, epaulets go all the way UNDER the collar.

Other mistake: When Mutini first gets shot, the gunfire supposedly comes from inside the vehicle, but the windows and doors are closed, the glass doesn't shatter when the shots are fired. There are no visible bullet holes when the door is opened.
Suggested correction: He was shot through the door. There are two visible bullet holes in the door when the shots ring out and when the door opens. Just below the window.

Other mistake: In the very beginning of the movie, we first meet John Tucker as he makes a slam dunk. Obviously, this would be worth 2 points. However, if you watch the referee behind John, he signals a 3 point shot. (00:03:00)