Trivia: The camera moves from Troy's crime scene to Kerry in the bathtub in one shot - Dina Meyer had to run around the set, undress, and jump into the tub. If you look closely, you can still see the water moving from when she jumped in.
Trivia: Before release, Donnie Whalberg was reported to have dropped out of "Saw III" (after having starred in "Saw II"), and it was widely stated that he would not appear in the film. However, it was later revealed that these reports were just a ruse to keep the public from knowing that he actually would appear in the film.
Trivia: In the first scene of the film, Detective Matthews is trying to get the gun. When he looks around the room, seeing Adam and Zepp's bodies and Dr. Gordon's foot, we also see Xavier's body, which is not a dummy, but a cameo made by Franky G.
Trivia: At 108 minutes, the theatrical cut is the longest of any "Saw" film's theatrical release. It is also the only "Saw" film to have three different versions released on home-media. The theatrical edition, an unrated edition that restores much of the violence that was cut to attain an R-rating and a third 2-hour Director's Cut release that reinstates several scenes cut by the producers for timing/pacing reasons. (Every other film only had a theatrical and unrated release released on DVD/Blu-Ray).
Trivia: As part of a promotional gimmick, Lionsgate auctioned off posters for the film for charity. What makes the posters special is that star Tobin Bell donated a vial of his own blood to be mixed in with the red ink used for the posters.
Trivia: "Scary Movie 4" had an extended sequence parodying the first "Saw" movie and even featured a replica of the infamous bathroom from the first two movies. It has been widely reported (but never officially confirmed) that the producers of "Saw III" actually bought the bathroom set off the producers of "Scary Movie 4" to use in this film, as it was cheaper to re-purpose and re-configure the set than to build a brand-new one for this movie.
Trivia: There were only a few fake pig-carcasses built for the "Pig Vat" trap sequence. Due to the high cost of constructing the props, the same few pigs were seen over and over being dropped into the grinder, although the filmmakers used creative editing/camera placement and slightly re-dressed the pigs between takes (such as putting more or less maggots on them in different shots) to make it seem like there were many more pigs in the scene. The pigs also sustained increasing cosmetic damage as they were dropped over and over, which helped make them look slightly different in subsequent takes.
Trivia: Reportedly "The Rack" trap (where a character's limbs are broken one-by-one) was the most difficult scene to edit for an R-rating. The MPAA ratings board objected to virtually every aspect of the scene (not only to the gore, but also to the screaming, shots of other characters reacting, abstract close-ups of gears on the machine turning, etc.), and it required numerous re-edits. The director and editor became frustrated at a point, because the MPAA got to the point where they would barely allow any footage at all in the scene. Part of what finally got the scene passed was when the order of the limb-breaks was changed through creative editing, as the MPAA somehow found the scene "less offensive", despite being implied to be just as violent as the original cut.
Trivia: Ironically, despite being quite bloody and just-as prolonged as the trap sequences in the film, the MPAA had little to no problem with the graphic and highly realistic brain surgery scene depicted in the film. As it was not technically a "torture" scene, it wasn't considered violent enough to cut down for an R-rating.
Trivia: The character of Detective Hoffman was named after series producer Gregg Hoffman - the man responsible for discovering the script to the original and setting the gears in motion that got the film made. He tragically passed away of natural causes shortly before production on this film began.
Trivia: Originally, Amanda was going to kill Eric on-screen during their fight. (Pictures of the scene exist, and can be found online.) This was removed from the final film, however, to allow for Eric to possibly return in a future sequel.
Answer: In Saw V, Jigsaw explains to Hoffman that Amanda's purpose in the second game was make sure the others followed the rules.
Phaneron ★