Best thriller TV continuity mistakes of 2005

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Prison Break picture

Ogygia - S5-E1

Continuity mistake: On the tombstone in the previous episode, Michael's date of death is 11.4.2005. But in this episode, when Linc goes to the graveyard to visit Michael's grave, his date of death is 11.4.2010. It is also a different grave from the original, as the original was in South America beside the beach, and here we are led to believe it is in New York. (00:50:50)

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Supernatural picture

All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 - S2-E21

Continuity mistake: Before the Roadhouse fire, Ash and Dean are talking on the phone. Ash looks at his watch, on his left hand, it says 8:10, and has a black dial/face. As Dean and Bobby go through the rubble, Dean identifies Ash by his watch. Still on his left hand, it is now upside down, evident by the crown of the watch (used to move the hands of the watch) which previously facing his hand, is now facing his elbow. Also, the dial/face of the watch is now silver instead of black. This is a different watch, and was inadvertently put on the burnt arm upside down.


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Criminal Minds picture Criminal Minds mistake picture

Proof - S7-E2

Continuity mistake: When Cy sneaks into the house with the key under the mat, in the bedroom he picks up the triple gold frame with two photos of Matt with Lyla and one photo of young Lyla in the blue dress in the center frame, then he holds it to his face and places it back on the right side of the dresser. However, after Cy hears Lyla coming into the house, when she sees the underwear on the bedroom floor the frame on the right side of the dresser is now a double wood frame with only one of the same photos seen earlier.

Super Grover

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Numb3rs picture

Prime Suspect - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Charlie Epps is writing a quadrillion on the whiteboard, the writing alternates between shots. Most noticably when he first writes it down, there is a significant downward tendency of the 000 groups. In the next shot, they are pretty much horizontal. Also the shapes of the commas alter.

Ronnie Bischof

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Medium picture

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Continuity mistake: Bridget doesn't seem to be aging as she should. In the first season Joe and Allison talk about their '6 year old' and she doesn't have any friends, Ariel is 9 and Marie is a baby. Rolling on to season 4 - Ariel is 14/15, Bridget is 9 (the episode when she's talking to the credit card guy Mr Reshmi - Joe tells him off for speaking for 10 minutes to a 9 year old). So, my point is - it appears five years have passed - Ariel has gone from 9 to 14/15 and Bridget is 9 - that's only 3 years. Marie was approximately a year old or so in the first season and appears to be 3 or 4 in season 4. It would make sense if Bridget were only 4 in the first season and five years later would be 9 but she's mentioned as being a six year old when the teacher tells Joe and Allison that she doesn't have any friends at school And Then meets Bobby Le Shell. Please correct me if I'm wrong as I'd love to hear an explanation for this.

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Suggested correction: The age makes sense because Ariel is around 11 in the first season.

No, Ariel is 9. It's explicitly spoken in the dialogue.


More Medium continuity mistakes
Point Pleasant picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When they first bring the girl to the house with the storm and lay her on the bead the there candles next to her. First the tallest one blows out then the middle one blow out then the shot changes and the middle candle blows out again.

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Surface picture

Episode #1.15 - S1-E15

Continuity mistake: When Miles jumps off the ferry to swim ashore, the camera view is from the ferry: he jumps into quiet, fairly level water, yet the camera recedes from him (he jumped off the back of the boat as the camera continues moving with the boat). The angle changes and we see the wake of the boat - but it's not what he jumped into.

David R Turner

More Surface continuity mistakes
Invasion picture

Pilot - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: As Dave is leaning over the edge of the air boat with Rose behind him, he pulls a chunk of metal out of the water and places it on the edge of the boat on his left side. When he gets up from his lying position moments later, the metal is gone. Moments later again, with an overhead shot of the boat, we see what appears to be that piece of metal positioned at what would have been his right side, not his left. This is also where we see him step over the seat (twice!) in subsequent camera angles. (00:30:00)


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The Triangle picture

Show generally

Continuity mistake: When Howard sees his ex in the jacuzzi, his glass has a little bit of alcohol in it. When he drops it and it shatters, the glass is empty.

More The Triangle continuity mistakes
Wanted picture

Rush - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: At the guest house in the mountains, Lola puts an opened beer bottle on the kitchen bench. When we see the bench again, the beer bottle is not there, and then, later, the other woman picks up the bottle, wipes the bench and puts the bottle on a coaster.


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