Audio problem: When Tim and Alvey are chased down the alley by Loki, Loki pulls out a huge fire ball, and then Odin the great god takes over Tim. After Odin the great god says, "I've had it up to here with you!", you can see Alvey in Tim's arms crying, but you can't hear Alvey crying.

Audio problem: When the main character is talking to the American businessman near the end of the movie, when the businessman says "I mean did you do it real slow?" you can tell that his mouth does not match the words he is saying.

Audio problem: When Pestilence puts the bug in his mouth, we hear a crunch as if he is chewing it, yet a few seconds later he spits it out and it is not chewed up at all.

Audio problem: After the article about Hitch is printed, we see him leave is apartment block and get approached by a former client and his now partner. After Hitch says, "See ya later, Tony", we hear Tony's Partner say, "Look Tony," however, her lips do not move.

Audio problem: When Meggett flirts with the cheerleaders by saying, "Call me," his voice is heard before the video shows him uttering the words. (01:05:30)

Audio problem: In the end of the movie, when Ben is found by two Swedish backpackers, the subtitles doesn't match with what the the woman is saying. The subtitles say something like "Come on, lets get him out of here", when in fact she says "Herregud hur kom han hit?", which roughly translates as "Oh my god, how did he get here?"

Audio problem: In the scene where Christina Milian is auditioning for John Travolta and Uma Thurman, it is painfully obvious that the audio for her song was pre-recorded. Her voice sounds distant, as if it were miles away.

Audio problem: Just after the long continuous fight scene in the restaurant, one girl pulls out a knife to attack Tony Jaa. The knife makes a sound like it's being pulled from a sheath but it's not touching any other metal.

Audio problem: In the scene where Mark throws the keys to Collins the second time, he comes back in the window and we can see Roger sitting on the couch. It appears that Roger is strumming his guitar, but there's no sound from it.

Audio problem: Notice when anything heavy hits the bottom of the ocean it makes a loud thud. The bottom is soft sand and wouldn't make noise.

Audio problem: When Deuce is getting on the plane and he's hitting people in the face with the fake leg, no one opens their mouths to make any of the sounds we hear. The most obvious is the guy in front.

Audio problem: In wideshots as Andy is driving along in the car with drunk girl, as they speak in the car we can see their mouths are shut. (00:28:20)

Audio problem: When Bovver is helping Pete up on the beach, Pete says, "My mate Bovver, never could turn down a good scrap," but his mouth never moves.

Audio problem: When Owen says, "Be quiet, I'm trying to work on this story. It's due tomorrow," you can hear him typing, but there is nothing written on the screen.

Audio problem: When we first see Francesca and her family in their house, in any wide shots showing Francesca's brother, Giovanni, his mouth is not moving in sync with what he is saying.

Audio problem: Near the beginning, when the two metal monkeys strike the Central Park Zoo bell, it makes two different tones. As it's the same bell they're hitting, and they hit it at the very same vertical axis, it should make the same tone both times.

Audio problem: Outside the hotel, Drew tells Claire about the "fiasco" and says, "And by the way, I didn't say million. I said billion!" In the next shot facing Claire, he is still talking though nothing is heard. (01:23:55)

Audio problem: During Jennifer Aniston's conversation with her grandmother, whenever the person facing away from us speaks their mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: In the scene where Veruca's Dad is explaining how she got the ticket, when the shot is pulled back, there is an echo. But when the camera is zoomed in, the echo is gone, as well as when Mr. Salt is talking and the camera is showing a flashback. (00:18:05)

Audio problem: When the giant petrel bird attacks the penguin chick, the bird noise is that of a skua not a giant petrel.