Factual error: On Air Force One going to Prague, Anna puts down the word "zygote," using a triple-word score square on the Scrabble board. This results in a 60 point score, but she totals it up as 40. (00:12:50)

Factual error: Although the film is set in the 1970s, the San Diego Convention Center can be seen in several skyline shots of the city of San Diego throughout the film. It was built during the mid 1980s.

Factual error: When the President's jet is on final approach, they pass a helicopter carrying a donkey. The helicopter is able to maintain position alongside for some time. In fact, when it peels away it still doesn't fall back, but just gets farther away.

Factual error: Selena, the Goddess of the Moon, sets the next "earthset" as Zenon's deadline. One shot shows the Earth slowly sinking towards the lunar horizon while Zenon and Dasha watch. However, the moon takes exactly as long to rotate on its own axis as it does to orbit the Earth. As a result, the Earth does not rise and set as seen from any one location on the moon. It only rises and sets as you move across the surface of the moon.

Factual error: During a panoramic shot while moving down the street in New York City, a modern-looking Starbucks was shown. It was 1973 at this point in the movie. There were no Starbucks stores in 1973 except one in Seattle. See http://www.starbucks.com/aboutus/timeline.asp.

Factual error: When Mrs. Krank tries to snatch the Christmas ham in the parking lot of the grocery store, you can see trees with green foliage in the distance. Chicago never has green foliage on trees in the month of December.

Factual error: When the family is driving from New York to New Jersey, you see a highway sign for the exit for New Jersey. In the background is a Dofasco building which is in Hamilton, Ontario, very far from New York or New Jersey.

Factual error: When Kelly's head gets chopped off from her P.O.V. the killer slices her neck from left to right, and her head spins anti-clockwise, If it was from Left to Right her head should spin in the opposite direction. (00:06:45)

Factual error: In the submarine scene, the crew is sitting in a well illuminated cabin and the surrounding ocean is pitch black. They couldn't possibly have seen the shark outside because of the window's mirror effect.

Factual error: There is a mistake regarding the El (elevated train) stop sequence portrayed. When Richard Gere jumps off the train to check out Miss Mitzie's Dance Studio, the announcer says "next stop Sedgwick". However, we see that the train is at a stop that has three lines including the orange (as noted by the colors on the column on the left of the screen). The two stops that are before and after Sedgwick don't have the orange line so it's not possible for the next stop to be Sedgwick. (00:07:25)

Factual error: When Team America (minus Gary) go and fight the Koreans in their planes, there is a shot where rain is dripping down the front of the cockpit. If they were flying, the water should be streaming backwards off the plane because of the wind, not dribbling down.

Factual error: When Steve the Pirate is walking down the street in Vegas and gets hit with a drink, behind the truck you see Binions Horseshoe Casino. Binions is on Fremont street, and that is closed to traffic. (01:02:35)

Factual error: No real archery instructor would allow Princess Mia or anyone for that matter, to shoot with people in front of the shooting line and that close to Princess Mia. And, the arrows aren't retrieved until all have been shot, not after every one.

Factual error: The license plate on the sheriff's car is not correct for a Florida sheriff. Per the state of Florida's DMV (Dept. of Motor Vehicles) website, there should be a yellow star to the left with "sheriff" printed inside. (01:37:35)

Factual error: When Latrell is in the car singing to one of the Wilson sisters, you can see the steam from his breath. This is supposed to be taking place on Labor Day weekend, which is the first part of September. I doubt it would be that cold at night. (01:03:25)

Factual error: At the end of the movie, after losing the 1954 Boston marathon, Father Hibbert asks Ralph what his running plans are for the future. Ralph replies that the Olympics are next year and he plans on winning them. The next Olympics were in 1956, not 1955.

Factual error: The records that Shaun and Ed throw at the zombies in their garden shatter when they hit the wall. Only old fashioned 'shellac' records shatter like this -yet all the records were titles released after the introduction of "indestructible" flexible plastic records.

Factual error: King Neptune's crown changes size when Plankton steals it and when SpongeBob and Patrick retrieve it.

Factual error: You can't paint only part of a wall without creating a contrast. That's why walls are always painted as a whole. The paint job done by Wayans could not possibly blend in with the rest of the wall.

Factual error: After Deni fires the last shot in her pistol, she continues to pull the trigger and the gun continues to click. However, this would not happen in a single-action semi-automatic like the Glock she is firing.