Factual error: At the beginning of the episode where the school gets a news broadcast, Mary Ferry says that the first broadcast will be the following Monday. Later in the show, however, she is talking to Addie at school and says that the first broadcast is the next day. If that was true, it would be Sunday, and they would not be in school, and they never changed the date of the broadcast.

Factual error: The stadium in the opening scene was not around in 1995. The first game played in that stadium was 2001.

Factual error: Right before the American Eagle students find the graffiti on their building, Mary and her friends comment that there is only one more week of school, setting the scene in spring. In the background, many of the trees have yellow leaves and are beginning to go bare, making it autumn.

Factual error: At one point in the film there is footage on the news of Mystery Inc's embarrassing attempt to stop the ghouls from stealing costumes. In particular, it focuses on Shaggy and Scooby being dragged across the table, etc. But look at the angle it's taken from: no one could have taken that.

Factual error: When Pete is in the office of the Piggly Wiggly and his "boss" asks when they will be losing him to Richmond. Pete states that he has already received his acceptance letter from Virginia State (University). Virginia State is in Petersburg, VA not Richmond. The writers most likely put the capitol city in the film, considering more people would know where they were talking about.

Factual error: Bridget appears to be making her first parachute jump. The mistake is that she would not be permitted under UK law to make her first jump the way she does. She would either have to jump with a static line attached to the aircraft, which opens her parachute automatically. Or if she took an accelerated free fall course, she could free fall but she would do so with two instructors jumping with her to steady her and open her chute if she panicked.

Factual error: When Reinaldo is thrown out of the hotel window, his trajectory should make him fly way past the narrow ledge. (00:34:30)

Factual error: When John is talking on the phone to someone who found a dog, he says something about Odie not being a hound dog, and how sure he was. Odie is part wirehair Dachshund (you can look it up - plus I own Dachshunds), which is from the hound breed.

Factual error: When Fat Albert and Reggie are racing around the school track, there are palm trees visible over Fat Albert's right shoulder in the background. The problem with that is the movie supposedly takes place in Philadelphia, PA.

Factual error: A headline from the Pantagraph (an Illinois newspaper) dated 19 December 2001, is shown in big letters to read, "Latest Florida recount shows Gore won election." In fact, no edition of the Pentagraph has ever featured an article that claimed this. The only time those words appeared in that newspaper was in small print over a letter to the editor dated 5 December 2001.

Factual error: Sharks don't float when they're dead, they sink. While it did initially sink after being thrown out of the "casket", when the shot changes to Don Lino and Lenny consoling one another, you see him float back up. (00:33:50)

Factual error: Morgan says that french fries are one of the seven items on McDonalds menu that doesn't contain sugar. French fries, in fact, do contain dextrose - a form of sugar. This is mentioned on DVD commentary.

Factual error: At the beginning of the movie, the narrator states that the lowest possible SAT score is 500. In reality, the lowest score at the time of filming was 400 (200 on each section).

Factual error: Early in the movie, you see Largeman arrive at work and the hose from the gas station is still hanging out of the gas tank. The hose wouldn't have been frayed like it was shown. All pumps, at least in the U.S., have a breakaway point that allows the hose to break cleanly and reseal.

Factual error: When the pills are being recovered in the mock police raid, we see, several times, an observer watching through binoculars. We see his eye enlarged, despite our looking the wrong way down the lens.

Factual error: There are many police interactions that would not take place in reality. For example. (1) All officers would be trained in vehicle use. Failure to be able to handle the vehicle would result in termination. He would have been booted from the academy. (2) When an officer is suspended, the badge, ID AND weapon are all removed by the officer in charge. In this case, only the badge was taken. (3) The officer in charge would likely only have the option of offering suspension without pay pending an emergency suspension hearing with a recommendation for termination. She could not fire him on the spot. Also, once officially fired, based on the merits of the inappropriate activities, he could not be taken back, regardless of the good deeds - past, present or future.

Factual error: Near the beginning a Scrabble rack is shown containing tiles with the words "GET A FORD." Scrabble racks are limited to 7 tiles and this is 8. This rack cannot exist in Scrabble.
Suggested correction: Hi. The rack in question was showing an advertisement from the 1950s which featured a Scrabble rack. So, while it is true that GET A ford would not be a legal Scrabble rack...it wasn't from an actual game.

Factual error: (SPOILER ALERT) Aviva is supposed to have had a hysterectomy done on her secretly when she went in to have an abortion. She is shown waking up in the clinic, and her parents elect not to tell her, and as the movie progresses we see that she never finds out. But there are several reasons why this is impossible: 1) A hysterectomy is major surgery - the little storefront clinic Aviva is in would never have been able to perform it. She would have been transfered to a hospital. 2) Similarly, the recovery period for a hysterectomy is weeks long - Aviva would have been hospitalized for weeks, and there's no way she would not have noticed the pain she was in, or the surgical scar, or the fact that she was in a hospital. Yet in the movie she is shown walking out of the clinic the same day. 3) Even if you discount the first two reasons, Aviva would have noticed in the weeks and months afterwards that she was not getting her period, and therefore was incapable of getting pregnant. Yet we see her gamely trying to get pregnant with the trucker guy.

Factual error: In the scene where the people of Rejection/Perfection are preparing to fight the Dirt Dragons, Hereim loads the Punt Gun and puts a little gold piece in it (a percussion cap, containing a small amount of gunpowder used to set off the main charge in the barrel). He shoots at the Dragon when it pops up and misses. The next time he loads the gun, he does not replace the percussion cap (which can only be used once), yet he is still able to fire the gun with no problem and kill the Dirt Dragon.

Factual error: In the final credits, the song "Brazil" is credited to "Aro Barrosa". The composer's real name is Ary Barroso.