Question: Why was the detective tortured? I don't get it. Who is the girl that brings the detective to Verone?

Question: What has happened by the time the police footage is shown? After Erin escaped and killed the "Sheriff", police footage of the area is then shown (at the beginning as well), such as the police collecting evidence and filming a walk-through, as if the house has been abandoned for years, but it's only a day after. What has happened to the rest of the Hewitt family (Luda May, Monty, Tea Lady etc.), with the exception of Leatherface who escaped? How did the police only find out about the Hewitts then?
Answer: Erin must have led the police back to the house and then the Hewitt's were taken away so that way evidence could be collected. They must have thought that Leatherface had escaped and was no longer in the house.

Question: There is a scene where Chris and the other three discover the cannibals' cabin. When they hesitate to enter the house, Carly tells the others that she needs to pee. Then her boyfriend, Scott says to her "Well, l need to remind you of a little movie called Deliverance." Well, what does Scott signify there? I've never seen the movie.
Chosen answer: Deliverance (1972) was about a group of canoeists who are attacked, raped, and murdered by a group of deranged, inbred hillbillies. Scott is implying the cabin looks like a place where those sort of people might live. Http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068473/.

Question: Ben Affleck first met Uma Thurman at a party just before he was offered and accepted the three year job. Surely he would have recognized her after having his memory wiped even if he could not remember any of the time they spent together.
Answer: He does recognize Rachel from the party as well as when he when he saw her at Allcom. The only things he doesn't remember are the last three years of his life since starting the project. So, while he does remember her, the three years they spent together while at Allcom are a total blank. This recognition is shown when he meets with Porter who helps him escape.
But later, when he is going through her stuff, he says he doesn't remember her. Also, if he did remember her, he would have known it wasn't her when the imposter was in the restaurant (also no need to have the imposter try to dress like her either).
Answer: Do you remember every person you've ever talked to at a party? Didn't think so. His memory isn't restored back to perfect condition - he's still had three years to forget about details at the party. He remembers things like the origins of the deal because it was important.

Question: Near the end of the movie, Edward Gracey says to Ramsley that the letter is written in Elizabeth's hand. If Mr. Gracey knew what Elizabeth's writing looks like, wouldn't he have realized that the fake letter Ramsley wrote was in fact fake and not from Elizabeth?
Chosen answer: Considering Ramsley's intelligence, he would have been able to make "couterfeit" handwriting.

Answer: The title refers to an experiment in 1907 which attempted to show scientific proof of the existence of the soul by recording a loss of body weight (said to represent the departure of the soul) immediately following death. Referred to as the 21 grams experiment as one subject lost "three-fourths of an ounce" (21.3 grams), the experiment is regarded by the scientific community as flawed and unreliable, though it has been credited with popularizing the concept that the soul weighs 21 grams. (Wikipedia).

Question: When Will convinces Mark to hold off leaving town so he can go save Lori, Mark says "OK, but if you're not here by morning, I'm outta here." Just wondering how Mark was going to leave town (if he survived the night and Will didn't make it back) since Will had his vehicle?
Answer: He could choose to either hitchhike or get someone to take him to the next town.
Answer: Mark could have hiked on out of town. Or he could have bicycled. Or got a bus. Or a cab.
Answer: The town has said no-one comes in, and no-one leaves (which how do some of the character get to crystal lake which is in the movie mistakes as a plot hole) how could he leave?

Question: After the tour guide takes the bad head count when they all get on the boat, you can see him counting them all again. Why didn't he notice right then that 2 people were missing? Also, the diving company was missing 2 scuba tanks and they didn't notice?
Answer: The whole idea with the movie was the bad count. Nobody knows why he counted wrong.
Answer: He counted wrong because the man that begged to go back in and the other person accompanied him in the water were already counted for before going back down last minute so when he saw two people coming back up he tallied 20 people.

Question: When Mido was trying to come up with a screen name for Oh Dae-Su early in the movie, why was Dae-Su so interested/startled by the mention of "The Count of Monte Cristo"?
Answer: Perhaps because in the movie/book "The Count of Monte Cristo" that's what happened to him. In the book/movie the hero Edmund Dantes is renamed "the Count" in order to disguise that fact that he is Dantes after having broken out of jail. This way he is free to seek revenge on the ones that put him in jail under false charges.

Question: The killer arrives at the farm in an old rusty truck which Maria stows away in with the captive Alex. Then from the gas station she follows the truck in the murdered station attendant's car, and both vehicles end up at the scene of the final confrontation. Yet at the end we learn that Maria is actually the killer and has insanely hallucinated virtually the entire movie. Can anyone offer any explanation of where that big truck came from in the first place and what the truth is about which vehicles were really present at the end and how exactly Maria and Alex arrive at the scene of their final confrontation?
Answer: It is impossible to know which vehicles were actually used, or even what really happened throughout the movie. The plot twist at the end of this film, while certainly surprising, was not very thoroughly planned out. It's almost as if the writer decided at the last minute to add it for no better reason than he couldn't think of a way to end the movie.

Question: Kendall was really part of 8. This is evident as he was rescued by Pike but went along with the story that he was rescued by Dunbar. Also, that Dunbar was in interrogation but knowing it was really Pike. He also uses the phrase, get your story right. He drew an 8 to indicate that he was part of the organization. He was rescued by Pike because he was part of 8.
Answer: First of all, what's the question? Second, Kendall was indicating that Section 8 was involved because they had the reputation of being a renegade outfit, to deter the fact the he was part of the drug smuggling gang that was operating within the military base.

Question: It was revealed at the end what Rachel Weiss and John Cusack had planned all along, why did they ask Dustin Hoffman for 10 million? They never intended for him to lose, they were out to get Gene Hackman and the gun makers.
Chosen answer: Hackman's team was closely monitoring what Hoffman was doing in regards to the tampering, as evidenced by their taping of his conversation with Weiss when he decides not to pay. Cusack and Weiss probably anticipated this so were forced to offer the deal to Hoffman to keep up the illusion.
Answer: The short answer is because the viewers did not yet know their intentions so, from the viewers point of view, they should be asking both sides for money. Also, even though it was revealed much later they were on the side of the planting, it doesn't mean they were not greedy, and they would have taken money from either side or both sides.

Question: What is it that Captain Mifune shouts to the other people in the APUs after the digger has drilled through, just before the sentinels come through the hole? I've listened many times, but still can't work it out.
Answer: Just as the sentinels begin coming thorough the hole he yells "For Zion!" as they begin firing.

Question: How much did Mini Cooper give to the Italian Job for the publicity in the movie? The movie casts a very good light on the car.
Answer: The Mini Cooper for the movie was also made as an electric car for the chase scenes in the tunnel because gas-powered cars were not allowed to be used in the tunnels. I heard that from the director's cut.
Answer: While the exact amount of money is hard to find, the MINIs used in the 2003 movie are a direct homage to the Minis used in the 1960s movie, which is the main reason they are used. MINI (the company owned by BMW, as opposed to the company which owned Mini by Austin and Morris in the 60s) was happy to have the remake use MINI as a direct link to change the perception of it from a "girly" type car, to a more sporty one.

Question: When Rome is been destroyed by that superstorm, just after the Colosseum explodes which building is the one that is destroyed by the lightning bolts? (The one with the statue of a knight)
Answer: I believe you are referring to the Vittorio Emanuele Monument. Victor Emmanuel II was the first monarch of Italy in the mid to late 1800's. The monument has also been nicknamed the "typewriter" and the "wedding cake".

Question: Why didn't the filmmakers use the original movie's ending where Willard gets eaten?
Answer: Pure marketing. The original ending was the shot of Ben in the window, but test audiences thought the movie was too dark already. The rest of the end was filmed months later, with Willard stabbing a bean bag.

Question: Steve Zahn's character avoids being in the prison population by repeatedly hitting the prison guards and ending up in solitary confinement. Wouldn't assaulting a prison guard also add time to his sentence?
Chosen answer: It could, but they would have to bring charges against him, and have a new trial for that crime. It would most likely prevent him from getting a early parole.

Question: Exactly how plausible was the jump from the skyscraper that Terry and Lara did with their suits? With those very small "wings" or whatever the proper name for those yellow extensions is that were attached to their suits, in reality wouldn't they have plummeted to the ground instead of gliding away?
Answer: Very plausible. The suits exist - they are called glide suits or wingsuits and lots more info can be found with a quick Google search.
Chosen answer: The detective was tortured because Verone needed a window of time without any police presence and the detective refused to allow it. The girl is just some random hottie that works for Verone.
Greg Dwyer