Question: Why didn't the filmmakers use the original movie's ending where Willard gets eaten?
Answer: Pure marketing. The original ending was the shot of Ben in the window, but test audiences thought the movie was too dark already. The rest of the end was filmed months later, with Willard stabbing a bean bag.
Question: Steve Zahn's character avoids being in the prison population by repeatedly hitting the prison guards and ending up in solitary confinement. Wouldn't assaulting a prison guard also add time to his sentence?
Chosen answer: It could, but they would have to bring charges against him, and have a new trial for that crime. It would most likely prevent him from getting a early parole.
Question: Pandora's box has already been opened according to legend thats why there is bad in the world so why does it matter if anyone gets hold of the box.
Answer: As the movie sets out, that is the "Sunday school" version of the story. Within the movie, the legend is based on an artifact that not only bestowed life upon the earth but also slew all who opened it with horrible disease, gaining a reputation for containing the essences of both "good" and "evil."
Question: What is the name of the song that plays at the end of the movie just before it goes to credits?
Chosen answer: 'If You Could Read My Mind' by Gordon Lightfoot.
Chosen answer: They would need to be touching the ground so the electrical current could complete the circuit.
raywest ★