Question: What is the name of the song that plays at the end of the movie just before it goes to credits?

Question: What were the characters pouring into their drinks, and what were they pouring it into. I'm American, so I've never heard the term "brown sauce" before. I couldn't tell if it was chocolate syrup or like a steak sauce, or if they were putting it in their tea or coffee.
Answer: There is a condiment used in the UK that is actually called "Brown Sauce" It is used by many instead of Ketchup. It is slightly spicy and very nice on a bacon sandwich. They put it in their coffee for some reason.

Question: Does anybody know if a 'Juliet Class Torpedo' can out run a Seadoo? Because it seems that it could if a self propelled torpedo can maintain an average of 30 knots.
Chosen answer: Designs of torpedoes dating back to before World War Two were generally capable of exceeding thirty knots, with many current designs easily doubling that and, in certain cases, reaching well into three-figure territory. The Juliet-class torpedo appears to be fictional, but, given the performance figures for real life designs, a speed of thirty knots seems actually quite slow.

Question: Why does the guy in the prison have so many assistants, and live in complete royalty compared to the other inmates? I've watched it over and over but still can't understand why.
Answer: Because he is connected on the outside. Money and infulence can give you a much easier life in prison, though this movie greatly exaggerated the fact.
Chosen answer: 'If You Could Read My Mind' by Gordon Lightfoot.