Plot hole: In the shot where two of the pirates find Jack Sparrow in the prison, you see the moon shine out over Port Royal and the pirate's hand around Jack's neck is skeletal. While this is happening we know that Elizabeth is being led onto the Black Pearl by two pirates. If the pirate in the prison turns skeletal, why don't the pirates with Elizabeth turn skeletal? It's clear that they don't as Elizabeth only discovers the curse later on aboard the Black Pearl.
Suggested correction: This can be explained that on the route from Elizabeth's house to the ship there is a lot of fog, smoke from fires and gunpowder explosions, so the moon doesn't get through. The moon only get through once they are underway again and the fog is cleared. The prison is much further and higher than the town and so the moon does get through (only sometimes) there.
You're very much mistaken. In later scene pirates turn skeletal when marching underwater, at the bottom of the ocean. Moon is easily able to get through water and this smoke isn't thick enough to block the moon.
How does water compare to fog? Of course the moonlight comes through the water, its transparent. Fog isn't transparent. You can go technical and question how much the moonlight is reflected away before the effect wears off, but obviously the effect wears off when there is no direct moonlight hitting them, as is the case with fog and smoke.

Plot hole: It shows two air tanks missing on the boat. Now obviously when they get back to shore and all the tanks are put back, there would be two empty spaces, meaning hey, we forgot two people.
Suggested correction: True, but who says they didn't alert the authorities or return when they eventually realised it? Even if they did, the two divers drifted and were being stalked by sharks. It was set up earlier in the film when they showed their flawed way of tracking who went into the water and returned, so it makes sense that they overlooked what happened. There's also a scene when the boat returns where an employee notices two missing tanks, so they did notice it.

Plot hole: Just before Cowboy finally opens the bowling bag, the zipper is halfway up the right side. John was warned not to open the bag and was terrified by the potential consequences; he didn't open the bag at any point and certainly wouldn't have allowed it to remain partially open. (01:13:30)

Plot hole: When the plane is trying to land on the bridge, it hardly makes it. How do they rotate it 90 degrees? The plane wouldn't fit.

Plot hole: Throughout the film we see several characters talk about how there's no Christmas spirit and how nobody believes in Santa anymore. If, in this universe at least, Santa does exist, it's almost impossible for people to think this. If the parents deliver the presents then how do they explain the excess gifts that Santa brings? We know that Michael is on the nice list because Santa shows him towards the end, so Michael must get presents from Santa. There is no way that Walter can't believe in Santa then because Michael gets gifts from him every year.
Suggested correction: Emily and Walter probably just thought each present Michael got from Santa was from the other parent. I'm not sure if Walter got him presents or not but you can see that Emily did as she's seen walking home with presents when she's on the phone with Walter.
That is highly unlikely. When my daughter was "believing in Santa" age, my wife and I always talked about what we were getting her, so we didn't duplicate. Plus that theory wouldn't work for single parents.
It is very likely because it's obvious Walter is not in the Christmas spirit like his wife and Michael are. Plus it's obvious Walter is not focused on his family at the beginning of the movie so it's safe to assume the original submission is correct.

Plot hole: When we first see Lara in her wetsuit, she has a back pack attached to her harness, a torch on her left shoulder, some sort of pistol-thing on her thigh, her 5-barrel dart gun by her left buttock and a little pouch in the small of her back. In the temple she takes off the pistol-thing, dart gun and backpack, yet after climbing the statue manages to produce a video camera, safety spectacles and a cutting/welding device from somewhere.

Plot hole: In one of the scenes where Jones and Del Toro are fighting hand to hand, Del Toro's knife is knocked into the bushes. They continue to fight until a point where Del Toro has gained the upper hand. Del Toro is on top of Jones, who is almost unconscious. Instead of finishing Jones off, Del Toro looks around for his knife. This doesn't make sense. Del Toro is a trained killer. He doesn't need a knife to kill Jones.

Plot hole: After the team takes care of the ethnic cleansers, there is a flat-bed lorry with a belt-fed weapon just sitting there. Since the cleansers came in from somewhere ahead of the team, why not load the refugees onto the truck and head out? If nothing else, it would increase their lead over the pursuers.

Plot hole: At the end of the film, Trevor McDonald reads the news and says "the spy, who we cannot name for legal reasons..." Yet on screen, one of the newspapers that flashes up (I think it's The Times), has a headline congratulating Johnny English by name. He's not going to be a secret spy for long if they reveal that.

Plot hole: How come B-rad doesn't recognize the actors? They are from B-rad's dad's commercials but B-rad doesn't acknowledge it whatsoever.

Plot hole: In the shot near the end where Steven is fighting the Chinese guy, the Chinese guy fires an arrow at Steven and Steven picks up the Samurai, cutting it in half. This is impossible to do because arrows don't travel in a straight line, although the arrow in the film travels in a straight line.

Plot hole: Immediately after Seabiscuit injures his leg, the track vet tells owner Charles Howard that the horse will never race again. He offers to euthanize Seabiscuit, even though it was not a life-threatening injury. Even if Seabiscuit was unable to race again, a champion racehorse has more value as a stud horse. It is nearly inconceivable that a random vet would suggest this so early on. If anything, it would be "wait and see."

Plot hole: Everyone is by Jack to try to help with the alien monster up his nose. By "everyone" we include the pilot and the copilot. Throughout the rest of the movie they wander about plenty times, both at the same time. The automatic pilot was knocked offline by the storm, and as Bob mentions in a later conversation, it was never fixed. So, who is driving the plane? Rhetorical question.