Plot hole: In the opening of the film, some of the characters are flipping through a scrapbook they've made documenting Elle's experiences in the first film. The problem is that many of the pictures are of moments when no photos were taken, so how did they get the pictures to put in the scrapbook?

Plot hole: How did a woman who had just escaped from a mental institution get out of the country so fast? Even if she had a passport already, she wouldn't have it - the hospital or her family would. How could she get it back from them without SOMEONE turning her back in to the institution? It takes a lot to get involuntarily committed in the US, and I doubt she could get un-committed that fast, even with the guy she tried to kill vouching for her.

Plot hole: Even assuming that creating a manhole underneath your own feet Looney Tunes-style shooting a gazillion bullets around you through the floor is a better battle strategy than using said bullets to shoot at the three remaining wolves charging at you in the small corridor, said creatures don't suddenly stop existing just because you fell down one floor, making their complete disappearance - they do not give chase through the hole or stairs nor even make as much of an angry sound throughout the rest of the scene.
Suggested correction: I think this is more a stupidity than a plot hole. She could have escaped or defeated the wolves in any kind of ways, it's not a plot hole that she escaped by using a tactic that is illogical but not impossible.
I would absolutely agree about the silly tactic itself, but there were pursuing werewolves in that corridor, and for the remainder of the scene she just faces Lucian. There's no explanation why they don't come through the same hole, or take the stairs, or claw a hole through like they seemed to easily do in Michael's apartment.Not even a snarl: she drops one floor and they are...gone? So that part feels like a plot hole to me.

Plot hole: Fitch should have been aware of Herman Grimes being a selected juror for it was revealed that everyone who received a jury summons for the case was photographed in the beginning of the movie. Herman would have received a summons just the same as the rest and would have been treated the same.

Plot hole: The 3 minutes to destruction scene actually lasts for about 3 minutes and 30 seconds - they're lucky to be alive.

Plot hole: Aside from the fact that you can't have a semi-automatic rifle delivered to your doorstep (except to an authorized dealer), there's also the fact that the weapon apparently was shipped with a full magazine. This is ridiculous. All the boy did was take the mag from the box to the gun and it started firing right away. One can assume they already had the ammo and filled the mag inside the house. This is countered by the fact that when he takes the mag out of the box, it is empty. Freeze-frame confirms there is not a single cartridge in the magazine before it is inserted into the weapon. (01:21:40)

Plot hole: When 625 is activated, he has nothing with him, so how does he make all those sandwiches out of nothing?

Plot hole: The scene where Andie comes over for dinner and moves a bunch of frilly stuff into the bathroom, happens at least one day before she comes over with the wedding album she made. In that scene, Ben goes into the bathroom to splash water on his face and discovers the pink hand towel and other stuff - that means he would not have gone into his bathroom for at least a day, or two, since she put the stuff in there, or he would have noticed it sooner.

Plot hole: When Erica crashes at the Huston Raceway Park a helicopter from the University of Utah lands to pick her up, it doesn't make much sense to fly a trauma patient over three states; At least not until she is immediately stabilized at a local hospital. We even see a truck from the Huston International Raceway drive up to the accident.

Plot hole: In the first Jungle Book movie, the role of the vultures is that they do not seem to be hesitant when helping the boy, Mowgli in need of help from Shere Khan. However, in this movie, when their obnoxious vulture friend is attacked by Shere Khan, they do absolutely nothing to help him and in fact, fly away cowardly. Did they suddenly lose all of their courage?

Plot hole: In the scene at the little girl's party where Cat is the pinata, and he gets whacked in the groin, he screams out loud, all the kids hear him, you even see their shocked faces as well. But after Conrad and Sally throw the lollies, the kids totally forget about Cat yelling - hardly likely given the level of shock. As well as that, wouldn't the kids have noticed that the Cat didn't have a hole in it when they saw the lollies? They just came from behind a bush. And to top it all off, in the scene where all the kids are greedily on the ground grabbing the lollies, and the Cat's about to hit the kid that whacked him, in the bottom left corner, a little girl looks directly at the Cat, Conrad and Sally.

Plot hole: Just how can you get a famous author, a judge, and a flight attendant set-up Adam Sandler in such a scheme? A judge cannot use a courtroom (along with bailiffs during regular business hours) to pull off such a scam. Moreover, when he was arrested for the fight in the bar, there is no guarantee he would have been brought up before the same judge. Also when explaining to his boss about not getting a second flight in the beginning, Adam Sandler says that the plane had been turned around because of his behaviour. Show me an airline that's willing to do that for a scam. (00:23:15 - 01:30:40)

Plot hole: Why did Inspector Gadget put his glove on his right hand? We see a toilet brush in place of his hand with a glove on it, yet when he's flying through the air doused in toilet water, he has his glove back on.

Plot hole: The truck was in front of all of them when they turned on with the green light, but it passes them when they are stuck with the red truck. So the crash happens moments past the light, so they would all be way past that point on the interstate.