Factual error: Dinky Winks has a branding iron that says 'Dinky' when it faces out, but we should be reading it backwards. When he uses this brand, then it will be backwards.

Factual error: When Dave is at the Yankee game and he is telling Linda he wants to marry her from the field, it is impossible for his voice to ring throughout the whole stadium without a microphone (even though it echoes as if he were using one.). Similarly, he wouldn't have been able to hear Linda when she shouts "I'm over here." (01:26:30 - 01:27:45)

Factual error: The group is plunged into the icy water for at least several minutes wearing nothing but light jackets yet no one seems to be suffering from hypothermia in the slightest when they show up on shore. (00:21:30)

Factual error: In the scene where Inman is helping build the church he is handed modern pre-cut lumber. This product was not introduced until the middle of the 20th century.

Factual error: When Renee Zellwegger arrives in New York, she exits her cab in front of the United Nations. The Canadian flag is visible. The movie is set in 1962, and the form of Canadian Flag in the shot was not adopted until 1965.

Factual error: Cadence arrives for the wedding on a 727. Closer examination of the aircraft's livery reveals it is a Kitty Hawk Airlines aircraft. This would be fine were Cadence air freight, as Kitty Hawk is a cargo airline. (00:28:40)

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie, it states that every 23rd Spring, for 23 days it eats. I am no farmer, but isn't there that saying KNEE HIGH BY FORTH OF JULY? From the looks of that corn, it looks like it is October or even November...Definately NOT SPRING in TEXAS.

Factual error: When Syd throws the pistol to detonate the landmine, nobody in the nearby vicinity seems to be injured except one 'bad guy' despite the fact that many modern anti-personnel mines project shrapnel to a radius of 30 meters. (02:17:35)

Factual error: At the beginning of the movie when all the guys are in the barber shop, a man is wearing a John Deere hat with the modern logo, not the one from 1976.

Factual error: When Johnny and Lorna are in the sushi bar, Lorna says 'cheers' in Japanese to Johnny before drinking Japanese sake. (An English subtitle is displayed). Johnny, obviously not knowing what he is saying replies in Japanese, and an English subtitle is displayed saying 'may all of your daughters be born with three bottoms'. The actual translation for what he says is 'May all of your daughters be born with a small penis'. (Not that any normal person would notice) (00:36:15)

Factual error: When we see the closeup of the gun when Bill shoots "The Bride" it is obvious that it is a normal gun with rifling in the barrel, we even see the end of the grooves when the bullet comes straight out of the gun at the camera, but the bullet does not spin.

Factual error: In the scene after Chan and Wilson crash their car into Stonehenge they walk away and the view is of a field and a beautiful blue sky. In the sky you can see an airplane vapour trail up on the left hand side of the screen. There were no airliners in 1890. (00:58:50)

Factual error: Every time the silver nitrate is shown on clothing, it is shown as silver. Silver nitrate in fact is black once exposed to light.

Factual error: In the scene where Tom and Sarah are in the French castle, there's a flag hanging in the background. This is the official flag of the Austrian province of Tyrol although the whole scene plays in France. (00:36:45)

Factual error: When Marylin Rexroth's ex-husband dies, she inherits his money because he had not removed her from his will after divorcing her. Under California Probate Code ยง 6122(a)(1), the dissolution of a marriage automatically revokes any disposition or appointment of property made by the will to the former spouse.

Factual error: Mahony gets Can$15,000 from the bank he works in in Canada and flies to Atlantic City (US) where the cashier gives him US$15,000 of chips. US and Canadian dollars are not equivalent and, at the end of 1981, the cashier should be giving him less than US$13,000. Since he is broke, he couldn't have made up the difference himself. (00:09:30 - 00:11:30)

Factual error: The movie leaves the impression that Huntsville, Texas and Austin, Texas are just a short distance apart. In reality, they are at least three hours apart.

Factual error: The Hulk picks up a tank, swings it around and hurls it about a mile away where it crashes into a sand dune. The impact should have been as strong as a plane crash, but a few shots later, they show one of the tank crewmembers standing casually outside the tank, watching the Hulk, as if nothing happened to them. All of the men inside the tank should have been seriously injured from the impact, if not dead. (01:38:25 - 01:39:45)

Factual error: In beginning scene with the shark, it growls when it sees Lara. C'mon, how many sharks actually growl? (00:14:15)

Factual error: When Catherine's father walks through the corridor of the military base, on his way to the first test of the flying Hunter Killers, he is accompanied by a female civilian employee who is wearing a yellow blouse and you can see a fair bit of cleavage. Civilian employees on US military bases are required to dress modestly, and she is showing too much cleavage. The US military is utterly rigid in imposing their dress codes on civilians and she'd be ordered to button up.