Samuel Jones: If I stay here very long, I might misbehave. Somebody might have to kill me.
Terry Sheridan: You can break my wrist, but I'm still gonna kiss you.
Henry Dashwood: For me, it's just a stop on the campaign trail, and for Glynnis it's a chance to launch Clarissa on society.
Daphne Reynolds: Launch her? You make her sound like a ship.
Henry Dashwood: No, in Clarissa's case it's more like an intercontinental ballistic missile.
Chon Wang: Roy! The painting! It's looking at me.
Roy: Oh yeah, it looks like it's looking at me too. That's great.
Kia Waterson: Do you guys thing I should get a nose job?
Lori Campbell: Oh, my God.
Gibb: Oh, please. Kia, what you need is a lobotomy.
Harley: I'm a corpse burrito, dude.
Sinbad: Who's bad? Sinbad.
Cody Banks: What was my mission again?
Natalie Connors: I think you were going to kiss me.
Baloo: Read you loud and clear kid. You wanted that girl to find you.
Rabbit: Who am I forgetting?
Winnie the Pooh: I don't know Rabbit. Let's ask Piglet.