Factual error: In the museum, Peter is filming in real-time moving biological specimens shot through 'the largest electron microscope on the Eastern seaboard'. You can't film live specimens in an electron microscope. The electron beam only works in a vacuum chamber, in which the specimen - invariably dead - is held. The microscope is identified as a scanning electron microscope, and nobody can fire an electron stream through air. The electrons will collide with gas molecules and scatter, ruining the image.

Factual error: The time period of the movie is 2054. There is an election day (April 22nd) that is on a billboard and then announced as a Tuesday. However, April 22nd, 2054 is actually on a Wednesday.

Factual error: When Philby and Alexander are talking about Albert Einstein, Alexander mentions that Einstein is a patent clerk. The beginning of this movie takes place in the year 1899. Einstein was still in school and didn't become a patent clerk until 1902.

Factual error: When they first pick up the Mona Lisa, they show the back. There you can see a canvas sheet over a wooden framework. However, the Mona Lisa is painted directly onto wood, no canvas at all. The scan they run even says it's painted onto wood, despite visual evidence to the contrary. (00:06:35)

Factual error: In the DJ spin-off scene, Zach and Francessca help make Meeker cool by going into hypertime and giving him a dance lesson. At one point, we see Zach and Francessca in hypertime making Meeker do flips. Then, in real time, we see that Meeker is doing the flips at the same speed that he was doing in hypertime. Wouldn't he be going a lot faster in real time, not the same speed as he was in hypertime?

Factual error: When the special forces arrive in the Station of the hive, the computer identifies the soldier`s weapons. The name under the picture is right, but the picture always shows an MP5, even at the soldier carrying a G36 Assault rifle. (00:19:20)

Factual error: In the scene of the concert, Simone is a hologram but the microphone is real, as it is set up in the previous scene with Viktor and crew going over details, but one shot shows Simone holding and singing into the microphone, which is impossible for a hologram to pick up. (01:03:40)

Factual error: When the archangels jump from the helicopter, the "bait" is looking behind him saying he can see the dragon. For a parajumper to look between his legs to view behind himself, he would de-arch and thus de-stabilise himself while travelling at that speed. It would send the jumper into a barrel-roll spin.

Factual error: After Jim escapes the house and makes his way back to the blockade there is a shot of him operating the siren. In the background is a sign saying that the M55 junction for Blackpool is in 1/3 mile. The M55 is nowhere near the M602, where the blockade is supposed to be. (01:30:20)

Factual error: The spiders shown in the movie have no adhesive pads like real spiders, but only sharp points on the tips of their legs. Given the mutation, this is possible, but without their gripping apparatus, they should not be able to climb up anything. (01:00:10)

Factual error: It's very nice that the Kate and Jonas clones came out looking exactly like the originals, but the DNA doesn't contain information about the hair length and exact haircut (and mustache, in Jonas' case) at the time of the replication. They would never come out exactly the same.

Factual error: The fake Rheya tries to kill herself by drinking liquid oxygen. The liquid shown is green, viscous, and foaming and looks a bit like the monster's body fluid in Alien. Liquid oxygen is colorless, non-viscous and doesn't produce sticky bubbles. (01:00:25)

Factual error: During the fight scene on the moon outside Pluto Nash's hideout, dust can be seen floating around when kicked up. In the absence of an atmosphere and in low gravity, dust wouldn't form in clouds, but would just fly up and fall like water.

Factual error: When Jay and Tee are in the diner at the start of the film, it's 9pm (we know this because Tee started at noon and Jay set the neuralyzer to nine hours), and outside it's completely dark. In New York City at 9pm in July, the sky is not completely dark - the sun would just be setting. (00:13:20)

Factual error: In different scenes, with the mama Megalodon, the teeth shown are around the size of the people themselves. In actuality, the Megalodon's tooth is only a bit larger than the size of your hand.

Factual error: Juni is sending the bad twins to Gobi desert. After few scenes, we can see the bad twins in the middle of Gobi desert. They get there with a submarine. How can they enter to a middle of the desert with a submarine inside the water?

Factual error: When Carl first receives 26 at the hatchery, he asks what kind of dinosaur she is. He is told she is a Hadrosaur (duck-billed dinosaur), but when we see her, she is some sort of Ceratopsian (i.e.: Triceratops). She is later referred to as a Chasmosaur (which while not looking like 26, IS a Ceratopsian).

Factual error: In the introduction, when text flows across the screen, the words "ten thousand solar systems" appear. Strictly speaking, there is only one Solar system - ours. A star with planets is a "star system", our star is called "Sol", hence, the Solar System. This trivial error is made in many sci-fi films, BUT the Star Wars series has never fallen into this error before. Remember Episode IV, where Leia says something like, "The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers" (and that's only one example). So why has George Lucas allowed such a trivial but irksome error to be made here? [Some people have debated this point, saying that "Solar" from the Latin "Sol", can mean any star system, but it's backed up in the Isaac Asimov book "Nemesis". He knows a thing or two about sci-fi, and in the book a new star is discovered and called Nemesis, and its system is referred to as the "Nemetic system", as opposed to our own "Solar system".] (00:00:55)

Factual error: John supposedly goes to Chicago to talk to a mothman expert, but it shows the two of them walking into The Mellon Institute which is actually in Pittsburgh.