Factual error: During the Weapon show Eddie Murphy is shot at by the bad guy with a big gun. He hides behind a pile of sand bags. At the end of the movie the same guy shoots into the ceiling, with the same gun, and we can see that the bullets go through the ceiling making huge holes. How is it possible that the bullets go through a ceiling made of concrete, but not through a row of sand bags?

Factual error: The train to London that everyone gets on is a French TGV. The TGV doesn't run through the Channel Tunnel, only the Eurostar trains do.

Factual error: When Santa is shown the miniscule print on the 'Santa Clause' card (that he is supposed to be/get married) the Elf holds an enormous lens in front of it, to make it easier for Santa to read the print. From the distance Santa is standing at, from his point of view the card should appear upside down.

Factual error: At the very start of the film the words "Vienna, Austria," appear on a black screen that then fades to a city skyline. The fault is that the city shown is Florence, Italy. Very obvious due to the Duomo, (Cathedral), the tower above the Uffizi Gallery and the Ponte Vecchio, (bridge).

Factual error: When Alicia goes to the hospital for the first time, the sun is setting directly in front of the window of Erika's room. But then in the morning the sun is rising in front of the same window that it had been setting.

Factual error: When Tom Green says he is going to beat the bejesus out of the guy on the phone and slams the phone down several times you can hear a bell ring inside the phone; that type of phone doesn't use a bell when it rings.

Factual error: In the close up shot showing the record on the record player, the label correctly identifies the song that played as Benny Goodman's "Sing Sing Sing (With a Swing)" but the label also states it is a "Swing Classic," a classification only used when the record was later reissued. The label is inappropriate for a World War II time frame. (00:16:05)

Factual error: After the VW van hits the tree stump, steam is coming from the front of the vehicle. Those vehicles have the engine in the rear. (00:05:53)

Factual error: In the big football scene we see the very short student playing the tuba. The music he is playing requires the use of the valves on the tuba, but his fingers never move. (01:07:55)

Factual error: With a significant portion of Marcy's legs either shaved off her body or in a state of severe rot, it's doubtful she would even be able to stand up properly, let alone run away from a mad dog. And if she'd already lost as much blood as we later see smeared around the bathroom fixtures, she probably wouldn't even be conscious. (01:10:45 - 01:37:50)

Factual error: There is no way that Col.McNamara could allocate which hut men went into. The Germans controlled this. Also there is no way he could just turn up at the Camp Kommandant's office unannounced and talk to him.

Factual error: When Johnny Hallyday goes into the bakery to buy bread, the price in the subtitle is translated as 3 francs, rather than 3 euros. At the old exchange rate, 3 francs were the equivalent of about 50 US cents -- not nearly enough for a baguette.

Factual error: In the scene where the British soldiers form square, there is a drummer boy. The British army stopped using drummer boys after the battle of Isandhlwana in 1879.

Factual error: One of the members of the orchestra is reading off sheet music held together by sticky tape, which is an anachronism.

Factual error: Throughout the film the two men wear modern rubber soled Army boots, not leather soled as they would have been at the time - particularly noticeable when they are trying to sleep in the woods, and also when they cut the telephone wires.

Factual error: The screeching call occasionally made by the Falcon is actually the sound of a Red-tailed hawk. Falcons do not make this sound.

Factual error: In the first scene, Iraq invades Kuwait City and the Kuwaitis flee from the theater into a sunny backdrop. The problem is that the invasion actually took place at 1:00AM Gulf time. I don't think there are many movie theaters open at 1:00 in the morning, and I don't think it's sunny then either.

Factual error: During the fight scene on the moon outside Pluto Nash's hideout, dust can be seen floating around when kicked up. In the absence of an atmosphere and in low gravity, dust wouldn't form in clouds, but would just fly up and fall like water.

Factual error: When Jay and Tee are in the diner at the start of the film, it's 9pm (we know this because Tee started at noon and Jay set the neuralyzer to nine hours), and outside it's completely dark. In New York City at 9pm in July, the sky is not completely dark - the sun would just be setting. (00:13:20)

Factual error: In different scenes, with the mama Megalodon, the teeth shown are around the size of the people themselves. In actuality, the Megalodon's tooth is only a bit larger than the size of your hand.