Other mistake: At the start of the line dancing scene where Ray Von is deejaying, if you have the subtitles on, it says the song is Hillbilly Rock, Hillbilly Roll by the Woolpackers. It's actually 5,6,7,8 by Steps. (I'm quite embarrassed I know that).
Deliberate mistake: In the scene with Brian and Beverly going up the stairs, Brian is in the chairlift, and you can see in front of the wig that Peter Kay wears where the red patch is where he has shaved his real hair.
Factual error: When Brian is talking to Kenny beside the inflatable, his phone goes off. He has a Motorola phone but it was a Nokia message alert sound.
Continuity mistake: During the last episode of the first series doorman Paddy uses his hair spray to give him fuller locks. But at the start of the second series his hair is back to its normal style even though the second series starts where the first series ended with the club on fire.
Suggested correction: The start of the second series takes place some time after the fire of the first season. Many of the staff of the Phoenix have moved on and got new (proper!) jobs. For example, Jerry is now working for Asda, a job he didn't have before. The spray maine (sic) is, as the name suggests, spray-on hair and would undoubtedly come straight off again the first time it gets wet! Plus after a couple of weeks or months, even a slightly more resilient hair spray 'treatment' would have fallen off.
Revealing mistake: If you look at Les out of Les Alano's' drumming, several time throughout the whole show, you can see he is miming and his stick is not even close to the actual drum.

Continuity mistake: When Ray Von is walking towards the van with the inflatable in, there is only one person in the van, the driver. But when the shot changes and he is by the driver's window of the van, there is a passenger in the van also.
Suggested correction: This entry is incorrect. If you watch the scene carefully you can see the passenger's nose and mouth very slightly in the window screen, To add to this, if you look at the passenger window as the van pulls up you can see the passenger is leaning against it, obscuring him from the front window shot.
Continuity mistake: When Brian is having a go at the person about the inflatable, that person then sits on the "love length" and says it's optional, the camera cuts to Brian and co then it cuts back to the person and for some strange reason he has some paper eyes (for Sammy Snake)in his hands. They couldn't have been in his pockets because the paper eyes weren't creased.
Continuity mistake: Between series one and two, and even more so in Max and Paddy's road to nowhere, Max's voice changes from really deep to normal depending on the series and sometimes the episode.
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Brian is in the courtyard talking to Keny senior, he quickly changes from his shopmobility to his wheelchair. This happens between the shot of Keny on the roof. [It is stated in the commentary that it is part of a storyline that was abandoned (hence still a mistake, but with a reason). The idea was that every time you turned your back on Brian he could actually walk, hence him getting into his chair so quickly. This storyline was abandoned though later bought to light when Brian was investigated by the DSS.]
Other mistake: How come not one single person at the Phoenix Club knew Max's surname, namely Bygraves, during his time as a doorman? This only came to light in the "Road to Nowhere" spin off.