Best movie mistake pictures of 2001

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Revealing mistake: When the cats are driving Mr Mason into the factory you can see skid marks on the ground from previous takes. (00:51:30)


More Cats & Dogs mistake pictures
More Tail Sting mistake pictures

Revealing mistake: During the bungee scene it is meant to be night-time, but when the camera pans up to the sky light you can clearly see blue sky and clouds.

More Tomb Raider mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: In the opening shot, as the camera moves down the building, in the windows you can clearly see the cameraman & camera on the hoist/crane. (00:01:00)

More Serendipity mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Dolittle goes to tell his daughter Charisse that they are not going to Europe, Charisse is seen on the bed resting on her knees but when the camera angle changes to a view behind her she is now seen sitting on the bed. (00:20:35)


More Dr. Dolittle 2 mistake pictures

Other mistake: When Prot visits the doctor's house, he thanks the wife and the camera is zoomed into his sunglasses. The reflection of his glasses shows the doctor looking at him, but the doctor is standing behind him. (00:53:40)

More K-Pax mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the end, when John and Nadia are kissing goodbye at the airport, he puts the coat with the money over her shoulders. Her hair is outside the coat. In shots from behind, all of her hair is underneath the coat.


More Birthday Girl mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During Mia's debate speech the "negative" sign on the podium goes from straight to crooked between shots.

More The Princess Diaries mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Bobby is begging his mother to let him work for Ted Brautigan, she says yes and fully ties the apron around her waist. However in the next shot, she is shown just putting the apron around her waist and tying it again. (00:21:50)

More Hearts in Atlantis mistake pictures
More Wet Hot American Summer mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Towa tells Ash and friends to stay where they are, the amount of space between each rung on a ladder is 15 centimetres, but in the next shot, it is 7.5 centimetres. (00:17:33)


More Pokemon 4Ever mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Matt Dillon asks Liv Tyler what her favorite thing is, he starts to raise his mug to his mouth with his right hand. Then the shot changes, and suddenly the mug is in his left hand.


More One Night at McCool's mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Chaucer is introducing William at the end of the movie, he stands on the arms between the chairs of Prince Edward and the lady, a foot on each arm. When it cuts to a side view showing William's father to the Prince, Chaucer is no longer in between the chairs. Not to mention the fact that the Prince is looking at the railing (where Chaucer just was). The very next shot, he is back between the chairs. (02:03:05)


More A Knight's Tale mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Derek Zoolander is being interviewed by Mugatu for the first time, when Mugatu's assistant brings him his drink and Mugatu spits it out you can see the drink all over the top of his mouth. Then you see him right away after that and it is gone. (00:27:10)

More Zoolander mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When the group of U.S. soldiers is going to a higher position (to attack Germans from the top), a camera and crew are visible on right side of the screen. (00:22:55)

More The Lost Battalion mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Jimmy and the rest of the kids are standing on the balcony, Jimmy asks Goddard to activate his binoscope so they can get a better view of the arena. Goddard then extends his eyes into tubes and raises them. However, in the next shot, his eyes are raised but not extended into tubes yet. They also take on a different shape than in the previous shot. (01:04:53)

More Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Gord skates into the mall, it is daytime. But in one scene just before when the police officer is about to run into the old guy and the guy with the shopping bag, you can clearly see it is nighttime through the big glass window. (00:02:55)

More Freddy Got Fingered mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Ryan is talking to Page in her office about Cindy's medical condition she hands him a white coffee mug with black stripes. In a close-up, the mug has changed to a white one with a square picture on one side (the one Page took). It subsequently changes back again. (00:25:40)

More Good Advice mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: During Buffalo Bob's first appearance, he's holding a rake with both hands. In the next shot, he's holding it with just one hand.

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