Plot hole: When the "Blue Bird" patient finally sees the Blue Jay, he starts excitedly shouting "Blue Bird! Blue Bird!" This uprising causes a riot in the institution, and in the immediate exterior shot of the building, everyone from all four floors already know and are staring out the window at the bird. Within the time-frame of the scene only the people on the floor which saw the bird would actually know about this. Psych ward floors are kept separated as it is even noted by an attendant when he said, "Do you want to go to the fourth floor?" which indicates that the floors are kept separate. This was deliberately done for dramatic purposes. (00:44:00 - 00:45:00)

Plot hole: The female employee says he's going to inherit everything, he gets it all. No he only gets 51%, the 7 dwarfs still make many decisions. (00:10:37)

Plot hole: In the scene where Jason has his 5th birthday party, after the party it's night time and Bev is sitting on her front step alone when she is startled by her old friend from high school. They begin to walk and talk. She says to him at one point that she is 22. Now when Jason is born, it is stated by her dad that she is 15, so if it is Jason's 5th birthday that would make Bev 20 years old, not 22.

Plot hole: When Marty, Ali and the hitman go back to the crime scene, they go over to the water where they threw Bobby's body. Marty throws up, leaving his DNA at the crime scene. And since he was Bobby's best friend, he's the number one suspect.
Suggested correction: Vomit doesn't contain DNA, unless said vomit contains blood.
Untrue. "While not all these bodily substances provide ideal DNA samples, testable DNA can often be extracted from all of them. In every case, what is being tested is the DNA contained in cells of human tissue, whether found on their own or carried by another substance, like earwax, sweat or mucus. Shed cells are also found in urine and feces, vomit, and even tears." https://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/02/science/02qna.html. Also https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/violent-thug-caught-dna-vomit-4017184 "A violent thug who glassed a man in the face has been jailed after being traced down by DNA in his vomit."