Nadia: My name is Sophia.
John: Sophia. Hello, Sophia. Mine's still John.
Nadia: Hello, John.
Kakihara: Listen, when you're giving pain to someone, don't think about the pain that person is feeling. Just concentrate on how good it feels to be causing someone pain. That's the best thing you can do for a true masochist.
Orin Boyd: Good evening, Commander.
Annette Mulcahy: What are you doing here Boyd?
Orin Boyd: You said you wanted to see me.
Annette Mulcahy: In my office, not here.
Orin Boyd: Yeah, but I'm here now. So let's talk.
Mulcahy's Date: I'm sorry, but we were actually right in the middle.
Orin Boyd: Why don't you take a walk?
Wayne: So, Coach, how's your parole coming?
Coach Norton: Not good. The victim's whiny family keeps complaining.
J.D.: God! What is their problem?
Tom Bishop: Happy?
Nathan Muir: Seventy-four casualties, an apartment block leveled, one dead terrorist? Yeah, happy.
Tom Bishop: We have some fucked up barometer for success, don't we?
Geoff: After you start to feel thirsty, you find yourself feeling impatient, maybe even a little sick. And your pulse starts to go up, then there's the headaches, dizziness... when it gets bad, your vision will blur and you'll find it hard to walk and talk. Your tongue swells up, your skin shrivels, you twitch, you go deaf and then you die.
Carter: Now gimme a hundred-thousand in chips, and a diet pepsi and some hot wings!
Osmosis: We were so poor, we lived off peanut butter and cellulite sandwiches! You ever try to blow-dry your hair with a fart?
Drix: OK, I get it. You were poor.
Osmosis: You bet I was! You ever try to make a snowman out of toilet paper cling-ons? Now that's poor!
Drix: OK, please, you're going to make me vomit!
Osmosis: Vomit? We couldn't afford no vomit; that's for rich folk.
Drix: Excuse me while I wipe my eyes.
Osmosis: Oh, you wanna talk about wiping?
Drix: No.
Hercule Poirot: She is an elderly lady. She has more strength in her will as in her arm.
Randy: There's the ten-thousand dollars... well, aren't you gonna count it?
Mr. Burmeister: Nah.
Randy: You trust me?
Mr. Burmeister: No, but I kill people.