Audio problem: When Vercingétorix tells Caesar that Alexander the Great was dead by the time he was Caesar's age, his mouth movements don't match the words. In this shot he is, I think, speaking French with the English dubbed over - he looks like he is saying 'mort'. (00:24:50)

Audio problem: When the guy in Jack's truck says "You better pay for that camera", his mouth doesn't match his words.

Audio problem: When Burnett is running over the bridge yelling for the car his mouth doesn't move. (01:02:50)

Audio problem: When Harry Duncan calls Muer at his house in the opening of the movie you can see that he is talking on a cellular phone in an elevator, yet when he hangs up (you hear it from Muer's end of the line) you can hear the sound of a phone receiver being slammed down. Cellular phone calls end with a polite little beep, there is nothing that makes a physical noise like that. (00:09:05)

Audio problem: In the first hijacking scene, where the Honda Civic darts under the trailer, you hear the car shift up 3 times. Each time, it pulls high revs, yet the Civic doesn't move forward (at one point it almost goes under the rear wheels of the trailer) or crash into the back of the main tractor unit. Surely, with the performance of these vehicles against a laden truck, shifting up three times would have caused it to hit the tractor unit. (00:02:39)

Audio problem: When trying to hit the creeper with the car, the distance between them and the creeper changes drastically, instantly. (00:55:45)

Audio problem: Luis shoots Billy and then goes to investigate. When Bonny says, "Don't touch him!" the second time, her lips don't move.

Audio problem: In the restaurant, when Hal is standing at the hostess table asking about the booth before Mauricio calls on his cell phone, you can see the hostess' reflection in the small mirror or window next to her and the movements do not match. The mouth in the reflection opens to say yes before she does.

Audio problem: When Cathy gets a telephone call in her yoga class we hear a Nokia tone, but she has got a Motorola telephone in her hand. (00:37:45)

Audio problem: When Ash and his friends arrive at the waterfall, Mr. White speaks, but his mouth does not move. (00:16:27)

Audio problem: During the failed kidnapping attempt at the mall, Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walking" is playing over the mall sound system, and the song is badly edited to extend it for the duration of the scene. In the actual song, Nancy Sinatra famously says, "Are you ready, boots? Start walkin'!" only once. But, in this movie's chopped-up version, she says it twice.

Audio problem: When Mickey asks Joe "don't you want to hear my last words?" we hear the sound of a pump shotgun being racked, but Joe has a double-barreled shotgun - there wouldn't be any cocking sound.

Audio problem: Jennifer and the Captain exit the plane and stay there for several minutes while sirens from airport services howl, obviously to help them after such a chaotic flight. However, wider shots show that there's not a single car or person nearby.