Slim: What are you, some kind of Astronaut?
Jimmy: No, I'm some kind of bubble boy.

Julius Ceasar: When Alexander the Great was ten years younger than I am today, he had conquered the entire civilized world.
Vercingetorix: At your age, he was dead.
Julius Ceasar: All the more reason to hurry.

Aramis: Young Louis was given a baby crocodile from Egypt. The queen dropped it in a sewer, and it's been living off whatever it can find ever since.
Porthos: Is that true, Bonacieux?
Bonacieux: Something kept dragging the poor workers away. All we ever found were bones.
Porthos: I'm very glad you and D'Artagnan lead this little group.
D'Artagnan: Me too. Crocodiles attack from behind.

Cyrus: Apparently, stubbornness is an ingrained family trait.
Rudy Cafmeyer: It beats a messiah complex any day.