Rafe: Ma'am, I'm never gonna be an English teacher, but I know why I'm here, to be a pilot, and you don't dogfight with manuals, you don't fly with gauges, I mean it's all about feeling and speed and lettin' that plane become like it's a part of your body, and that manual says that a guy who's a slow reader can't be a good pilot... That file says I'm the *best* pilot in this room... Ma'am, please... Don't take my wings.

Pilla: Colonel, they're shooting at us! Colonel, they're shooting at us!
McKnight: Well shoot back!

Johnny Tran: I'll see you in the desert next month. Be ready to have your ass handed to you.
Dom: You're gonna need more than that crotch rocket.
Johnny Tran: I got something for you.

Taylor: 500 fights, that's the number I figured when I was a kid. 500 street fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate tough guy. You need them for experience. To develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But then, after, you realise that's what you are.

Murphy: Ever been to Reno? Get your bubble gum.

Carmen Cortez: Spy work, that's easy. Keeping a family together, that's difficult. And that's the mission worth fighting for.

Trucky: You can't beat a ho with a belt... they like that shit.

Team Evil Coach Hung: Those American drugs work better than expected.

Matt: Would you like a falafel with that?

Tima: I am who?

Colonel Attar: Take your stinkin' hands off me, you damn dirty human.

Dr. Alan Grant: What John Hammond and InGen did at Jurassic Park is create genetically engineered theme park monsters. Nothing more and nothing less.
Woman: Um, are you saying that you wouldn't wanna get onto Isla Sarnoa and study them if you had the chance?
Dr. Grant: No force on Earth or Heaven will get me on that island.