Revealing mistake: In all the scenes where Tum Tum kicks the ninjas, you can tell it is a fake leg in the closeups.
Revealing mistake: When Steve and Julia talk in the garden on New Year's Eve, there is plenty of snow but no other signs of cold temperature, like breath clouds. (01:21:05)
Revealing mistake: When Dolittle is called in the middle of the night to give Miss Parker her injection, watch the injection: When Dolittle pulls the injection equipment away from her fat leg, the needle is gone.
Revealing mistake: The marijuana plants being grown in the film are obviously not real. The plants in the film have very plastic looking leaves with no serrated edges like real marijuana.
Revealing mistake: The scene where Jackie takes Anna for a night ride in the snow is special for several reasons: Even though it's the first snow of the year and no earlier scene made the impression that it is particularly cold, they come by a lake that's half covered with ice. Both don't wear gloves (horse riders usually wear gloves even in summer!), and, in spite of the cold night, their breath doesn't make any clouds. (01:20:35)
Revealing mistake: In the scene near the beginning it shows a big guy converting a 7-10 split and celebrating. If you watch it closely you will realise that the 7 pin is lined up too far to the left and the ball is already in the gutter when it hits the pin. The movie makers could have at least bothered to repaint the pin placement lane markings so it would not be so obvious that the pin had been moved.
Revealing mistake: When the guy is dead in the car you can see his eyes blinking while he dead (you have to look really hard).
Revealing mistake: At the very end of the movie when Kyle Fisher is in the back yard in the wheel chair, he has stumps for legs. However, if you look at the bottom of the wheelchair just below the seat, you can see his feet behind him. It is especially obvious when the wheel chair tips over and his feet move a little.
Revealing mistake: When the dog with its legs in plaster is walking across the passageway the first time you see it its back legs are moving although they're supposed to be crippled.
Revealing mistake: When Eddie Murphy is strolling by the sets, he applies some kind of electroshocks on a woman, which distorts her face enormously (especially her eyes and mouth), which is obviously achieved by CGI. When the shot changes to the inside of the control room, watch the TV screens and you'll see that the woman is only making silly faces, the rest looks normal because they've forgotten to apply the CGI.
Revealing mistake: When Norm McDonald points out the movie line and starts honking and Artie Lange is mooning, you can see the motorcycle cops who were used to block traffic.
Revealing mistake: When Richie wishes for the pie and instead gets a pig sty you can see the footprints of mud in the carpet as if crew and actors have previously walked through it. But it had just happened.
Revealing mistake: During the Unsolved Mysteries scene, a man is about to play solitaire. Look at the screen, though. It's already dragging cards around.
Revealing mistake: When Gus is reading "Sporting News" on the bus right before they meet Tanaka, the headline talks about the Buzz moving to third place. The article, however, is about a trade in the major leagues. (00:32:05)