Character mistake: One of the other trainers said he rode over on a Pidgeotto, but it was a Pidgeot. (00:40:07)

Character mistake: When they exit the bowling alley with the dog, the dog is never put in the car, only the cage.

Character mistake: Mulder and Scully sneak into the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital to view the body of the dead fireman from the bomb blast. Mulder lifts the sheet back on the body to show that the man's tissue is "like jelly." Scully surmises there's been some kind of cellular breakdown, and then says the tissue is "completely edematous." However, Dr. Scully mispronounces "edematous" as ed-a-may-shuss. The correct pronunciation is i-dem-a-tuss. Being a doctor she'd know the difference. (00:37:45)

Character mistake: When Sharp is teaching AJ to remote detonate the bomb, he says to "lift, press, hold" the trigger device. But the actions with the hands are actually "lift, hold, press." Even AJ repeats it wrong. (02:11:00)
Suggested correction: Lift (the cover), press (the button), hold (the button). That's the sequence.
The suggested correction sequence leaves out the trigger. The original mistake entry seems to be accurate. After watching again, Harry lifts the cover off the trigger, holds the trigger, and then presses the button. Lift, hold, press.

Character mistake: When Chessy confronts "Annie" when she's presenting her with the big breakfast, she's talking about when Annie was on the phone the night before. Then she says her father overslept, when she actually meant to say and "and you overslept," as the conversation doesn't make any sense saying that the father overslept. (00:58:00)

Character mistake: When Will Riker comes to Troi's office and kisses her, Troi says that she has never kissed him with a beard before, but in the third season episode "Menage a Troi", Troi does in fact kiss a bearded Will Riker, while on leave at Betazed, in the Fifth season "The Outcast", and again in season six's "Man of The People." (00:26:45)

Character mistake: In the scene when Gillian and Sally are dragging the boyfriend in to put him on the table Gillian says, "Watch his balls Sal". It is in Nicole Kidman's native Australian accent and the rest of the movie she speaks with a Northeastern US accent.

Character mistake: Near the end, just before Derek and Danny depart at Danny's high school, Derek says to his brother "I saw a car cruising by the house last night when I pulled out of there with Seth." The car that was shown driving by their house the previous night was in a brief scene right after Derek and Danny took down all of their nazi posters, and before Derek took a shower. He had not just 'pulled out of there with Seth.' The last time he had seen Seth at this point in the movie was at Cameron's party where Seth had almost shot him.
Suggested correction: Just because Derek says to Danny that he saw a car driving by their house when he left with Seth and a black car drove by later in the movie doesn't mean that this is the car Derek was referring to. There are many possibilities to explain what Derek was referring to (perhaps he was paranoid and saw an ordinary car driving by that he thought was scoping their apartment out) but it doesn't mean that the black car is the one he was referring to when he warned Danny.

Character mistake: After the first attempt by the kidnappers to get the ransom money, they tell the FBI to bring the money behind the Foo Chow restaurant. Clive gives Carter and Lee the exact same destination. Why in the world would kidnappers give the FBI a drop-off location exactly where they are based?

Character mistake: After the Congressman is killed, the killer dumps pills on the floor of the car. Then the car is then rolled into the river. At about 15:07 the news reporter mentions that the Congressman's heart pills were found in his lap. This would be impossible because the pills and bottle would float and the pills would dissolve in the water. (00:03:45 - 00:15:05)

Character mistake: When Marion is calculating how much she spent her math is wrong. The movie shows 400000 - 4036 = 395963. It should be 395964.

Character mistake: Before the final attack in the village, we can see a wall with an advertising for Byrrh, an aperitif drink made from a blend of wines. The ad reads: "Byrrh, l'ami de l'estomach, " which basically means: "Byrrh, stomach's friend." In French, the correct spelling is "estomac." not "estomach." This is quite a big mistake since the ad and the building are three or four stories high.

Character mistake: When Murdoch finds the correct page in the phonebook, it is not sorted correctly. e.g. "Harber G" should be before "Harber TJ" and "Harrison Dale" should be before "Harrison E" (00:44:18)

Character mistake: After killing three of the 'new' soldiers, Todd says that there are seventeen left. He then kills about another thirty.

Character mistake: In the beginning where they are showing all the newspaper articles, the article uses Michael "Meyers" twice in one article and then back to "Myers."

Character mistake: The newspaper headline quotes "parent's" death in a murder-suicide story. Should be "parents' deaths" as both have died. (We can forgive the newspaper not picking up on the fact they were killed by a government assassin).

Character mistake: While listening to the fixed record at the antique music instrument shop, Chris talks about 1800 instead of 1900. (00:30:45)

Character mistake: Jack accuses Marion of being a mug punter because she bets on the lottery, despite the odds of winning of "14.5 million to 1." The odds of winning the lottery are in fact 13,992,000 to 1 - not much better, but at least a precise figure.

Character mistake: At the radio store a sign shown to Jack when he asks if they take personal checks is misspelled. It says "personnal." (00:58:55)

Character mistake: The banner of the fundraiser event for the Gotham upper class says "Childrens Hospital", no apostrophe. (00:11:55)