roy sandefur

11th Jan 2025

Streets of Laredo (1995)

Show generally

Factual error: In this final made-for-TV mini-series of the 'Lonesome Dove' franchise (the one with James Garner as Woodrow Call), they show the crazy renegade teenage killer hanging Judge Roy Bean from the beams outside the front of his own store/courthouse. Bean died peacefully in his bed on March 16, 1903, after a bout of heavy drinking in San Antonio.

roy sandefur

Other mistake: At just about the 2 hour point, a helicopter crashes into the back of a blue police van with such force that it crumples back the front half of the helicopter's fuselage like an accordion and causes it to explode in a huge fireball. In the next shot, we see that the back of the van has zero damage (from the helicopter crash, anyway - lots of bullet holes, but nary a dent in the back structure, nor even a scratch or burn mark on the dark blue paint). I guess you would call this an impossibility mistake. (02:00:00)

roy sandefur

21st May 2024

Bat*21 (1988)

Factual error: The two white jets they keep showing doing bombing runs, multiple times throughout this movie, are Air Force training jets, not combat aircraft.

roy sandefur

Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: The aircraft are F-5 Tigers... They are absolutely combat aircraft.

I looked up the F-5 Tiger, and those planes do look similar to what I saw in the movie, but also very similar to films of training jets I've seen. Whatever those things were in the movie, they carried no bombs or missiles; they just flew over, and then stuff went off on the ground.

roy sandefur

OK - I think I found the answer - the F-5 Tiger is the combat aircraft and the F-5 Tigershark is the training version. They look almost the same but not quite.

roy sandefur

13th May 2024

Battles BC (2009)

26th Mar 2024

True Detective (2014)

Season 1 generally

Question: Was wondering why no explanation is ever given as to how and why Rust's weird ass, very detailed philosophy of space and time - with the crushed metal time disc and rotational electrical souls going around it forever etc. etc. - somehow is the exact same thing, right down to specific details, that at least three of the freaks, throughout this series, espouse. The underling freaks may espouse it because the main freak believes it - but we see Rust just arriving at it in his own mind.

roy sandefur

26th Mar 2024

True Detective (2014)

Season 1 generally

Factual error: A number of times throughout the season they refer to LSD being found in dead bodies and LSD being matched with other LSD found in other (living or dead) bodies. LSD starts a chain reaction in the brain which requires about an hour to take a noticeable effect. And, by that time, it has completely broken down and no longer exists as LSD in the body - before the person even begins to get high. There is no test for LSD even in the most bombed living individual, let alone a dead body years later.

roy sandefur

18th Jan 2024

The Revenant (2015)

Deliberate mistake: At about 1:49 in the movie, Glass is awakened by an attacking force of Arikara, and he fires his single-shot, muzzle-loading flintlock pistol at the nearest one coming at him. Then he runs to his nearby horse and flees, turning back to fire the gun a second time immediately. No reloading and no second gun on his person. It never leaves his hand; he's whacking the horse's rump with it to goad it on as soon as he jumps on it. And then he fires that same gun another time in a matter of seconds. (01:40:00)

roy sandefur

9th Oct 2023

The Martian (2015)

Stupidity: Very soon after Damon is stranded, one of the many satellites around Mars inevitably picks up the fact that he has moved various objects around his site, indicating that he's still alive. Yet it never occurs to him that this would obviously, eventually happen. In which case, his best option would be to simply spell out a message with debris and stay put instead of planning some 50-day journey.

roy sandefur

9th Oct 2023

The Martian (2015)

Question: After 400 days, the stranded astronaut's original, on-board, food ran out. After that, he lived on just potatoes for two or three more years (or something like that). He says, himself, "I have to grow three years' worth of food." The only food he grew was potatoes. Starch only - no lipids and no protein. For two or three years, to live on just potatoes? Is that even physically possible?

roy sandefur

Answer: I've seen the movie a few times, but did some additional Internet research. Watney was spreading out his 400 days of rations with the potatoes. I seem to recall him opening a small packet of a powdery substance and putting it on his food. Presumably it was vitamins, minerals, or other supplements. Of course, he was still severely malnourished when rescued.


Factual error: Throughout the movie, they depict the evil computer genius being able to manipulate (virtually any) distant objects, like video webcams and doorknobs, from his keyboard - just through sheer computer-genius awesomeness. When, to actually do these things, everything would have to be pre-rigged with servo motors and controllers, and be somehow connected on the web.

roy sandefur

Show generally

Factual error: Near the beginning of the episode dealing with the life of Moses, they depict various scenes of ancient Egypt, during his time. But they show the Sphinx with the nose missing (as it looks today), when that face was intact until the early 19th century when Napoleon's troops used it for artillery target practice.

roy sandefur

Trivia: The scene where Quigley triggers a booby trap by swinging his rifle from horseback, at full gallop, whilst holding it by the tip of the barrel with one hand, was only possible because an alternate aluminum barrel was created for that scene.

roy sandefur

22nd Aug 2023

Battleline (1963)

20th Aug 2023

Open Range (2003)

Factual error: In the final shootout, a man is shot with a shotgun, and the blast comes through a wooden wall. It blows his body clean across an entire street outside the building, and he hits the wall of the building on the other side of that street. This never happens with firearms. No one is ever lifted off their feet, let alone blown across entire streets, etc. Physics declares that for this to happen, the shooter of the gun would have to be blown back with an equal and opposite force.

roy sandefur

Other mistake: Brian Keith sneaks into an Indian encampment at night while they are sleeping. In order to stampede their horses, he rapidly fires the one and only six-shooter revolver he has into the air...eight times.

roy sandefur

19th Aug 2023

Half Past Dead (2002)

Deliberate mistake: Early in the movie someone fires an RPG, and, when he does, they show him comically being flung back through the air by some kind of supposed recoil effect. RPGs are rockets shooting out of tubes with the blast going backwards, so the holder of the tube themselves experiences no recoil.

roy sandefur

16th Aug 2023

The Longest Day (1962)

Factual error: All throughout the movie, whenever some German officer, speaking German, wants someone to shoot off some artillery piece, he screams, "FIRE!" German words for shoot include schießen, drehen, trieb, aufnehmen, abschießen, erlegen, spross, jagen, and ballern, but certainly not "fire".

roy sandefur

Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: But they don't say "shoot," they say "feuer," which is German for "fire." This is the accurate word for the German command to firing a weapon. Btw, most of the words you take as an example don't mean "to shoot," but are only associated with shooting. Like "jagen," which is German for "hunting."


Nay - They are screaming "FIRE!" They aren't saying feuer. It probably is indeed illegal to yell "Feuer!" in a German crowded theatre. Lol. My original assertion of a mistake in this movie was because they go to great lengths to specifically always be having the Germans speaking German with subtitles - to not be one of these war movies where all the German officers are speaking English (usually in a refined British accent for some reason - lol) - and I maintain they dropped that in this case and went for the English word - and it's a mistake - Whatever the word feuer means, even if it does, or CAN mean SHOOT!, they CLEARLY (and multiple times throughout all the battle scenes) are screaming the English word "fire," not the German word FEUER. The two words may be close, but they do not sound the same. Watch the movie and I'm sure you will hear what I'm saying. You will hear "FIE ur," not "few ERR." There is no long 'I' sound in feuer.

roy sandefur

You are entitled to your opinion, whether you hear "fire" or "feuer," but I hear them say "feuer" enough (Omaha beach scene). About everything else you say, I think the problem is easy - you don't understand the German language. Now, I'm not a native German speaker, but my knowledge of German is adequate enough to know that the German word for firing a weapon is "feuer." I'm also pretty sure the English word "fire" means "flames" as well, so your logic is flawed.

lionhead At the 2:03 timestamp, you can hear a German say "feuer" to firing a weapon.


Ok, I just went there and no one says anything at 2:03. (If you mean two minutes and three seconds into the movie). Maybe you meant two hours and three minutes? Gimme a day or so to watch the whole movie again, and I will mark every time I think they say "feuer" and every time they say "fire." If I'd heard "FEW AIR," I wouldn't have asserted that there was any mistake. I would have assumed that was German. I hear some actor from New Jersey screaming "FIE UR" every time - lol.

roy sandefur

I gave a link to a YouTube video of Bundeswehr soldiers training. In the video, at 2:03, you hear a German say "feuer" when ordering to fire the artillery. Just to prove, Germans say "feuer" when firing weapons. Plus an idea of how they pronounce it.


Yes, what happened is, I copied and pasted that link - but I included the period you put at the end - and that just brings up Youtube movies, so I thought you meant for me to go to The Longest Day movie - lol. My bad. Again, I acknowledge that there is no way to account for accents and dialects - you made a good point - I just always hear what sounded like some actor from New Jersey saying FIE URR! - (Or should I say JOIZEE) - lol.

roy sandefur

Maybe that's one time they did it the correct way - there are more than one times throughout the movie where you hear "FIRE" and not "FEUER" - they are not pronounced the same.

roy sandefur

Ok - I am GIVING you the understanding that both English and German have a word that means both flames and shooting. I will acknowledge that. But you are not understanding my logic. I repeat: Irrespective of whether any German officer ever screamed "feuer" to mean "shoot", you will, beyond doubt, hear that very strong, long 'I' sound every time they scream the word. Anyone who is reading this is invited to watch the movie, and the word FIRE, pronounced "fie ur" with the long 'I' sound, will be heard at least two or three times - never "few air." Feuer is, (supposed to be), pronounced "few air." But, then, what does "supposed to" really mean, when it comes to any language? I guess differences in accents have to be considered. I mean, how many English words sound different than they seem to be spelled? - tons.

roy sandefur

Think logically about the fact that these actors in the movie are actual Germans, and they are supposed to speak German in the movie. So, absolutely no reason for them to say "fire." They can pronounce it however they want; they mean to say "feuer" and not "fire."


Yes, but I hear FIRE, not Feuer. But then, a lot of British people pronounce Lia fail as LAYAFOIL, so I will admit that there may be no way to prove my theory that the makers of this movie abandoned their attempt to stick with German and went with the English word FIRE in this one instance.

roy sandefur

I agree, it's more likely they're saying "Feuer." Even Google Translate says "fire at will" translates to "Feuer frei." But the pronunciation is closer to "fire" than what you're suggesting. You seem to be implying "feuer" is pronounced more like "führer."


Yes, a German might be saying "feuer" some time in some actual war, but in this movie, you will hear "fire" every time. Go watch the movie and you will definitely hear that long 'I' sound. Ultimately, this may be impossible to totally resolve, as I guess there may be no way to determine how different Germans with different accents might pronounce something. I hear the dude from New Jersey saying FIE UR! lol.

roy sandefur

20th Jul 2023

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Revealing mistake: After he gets the jump on him, Max has the helicopter pilot, at the point of a gun, carrying a pole across his shoulders with a supposedly full jerry can hanging at each end. When he finally lets the pilot set the cans down, he drops them rather abruptly (something which might be expected for an exhausted person to do) and they bounce a little bit, and you hear the unmistakable sound of totally empty cans.

roy sandefur

Factual error: Near the end of the movie, (when Larry Hagman enters the traitor lady's house), a grenade ends up exploding at the bottom of a flight of stairs. After it goes off, an American soldier runs up the stairs, firing at the lady in an upper room with an M1 carbine: RIPPING ON FULL AUTOMATIC! (The M1 carbine was semi-automatic until the selective-fire M2 variant was produced after the war).

roy sandefur

25th May 2023

The Edge (1997)

Plot hole: They show the two men trapped inside a ring of fires that they have built, (and must constantly maintain to keep the bear at bay), as the sun is setting. And, somehow, when the sun rises, they have created enough rope, (just from grass and bark, I guess), to tie a huge boulder from way up in a tree - all wrapped with ropes and spikes, and have somehow deployed that, and stationed a bunch of other sharpened spears in various places, over hundreds of yards.

roy sandefur

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