Revealing mistake: In the scene where Warden Norton is loading his pistol, as he dumps out the bullets and loads them the primers are dimpled. Unfired bullets would not have the dimples from the gun's hammer (even if they were home made reloads, the primer would have been replaced).

Revealing mistake: When Willie's body is covered, you can see the little boy playing him scrunch his eyes tighter shut and he smiles very briefly.

Revealing mistake: After the SWAT team grab Mathilda, the guy who grabbed her backs up against the wall and it bends inward, revealing it to be a set.

Revealing mistake: During the bison shooting scene, a bison goes down close to the camera and both horns jiggle like they're about to fall off. Looks quite fake.

Revealing mistake: When Yvonne comes home to find her ex-husband in her apartment, he comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. He then goes and sits on the couch. At one point he uncrosses his legs and you get a flash of his underwear he's wearing underneath the towel.

Revealing mistake: Most of the police cars are late model Ford Sierras, but any police car that crashes has been substituted for a much older early model Sierra.

Revealing mistake: When Sully is visiting his ex-wife's house for Thanksgiving His grandson Will is running around naked. With the commotion Sully leaves and gets in his truck. After the cop pulls him over he looks in the back of truck and Will is there. If Sully left the house during the commotion how did Will get dressed and hide in Sally's truck before he got to it.