Factual error: The entire court proceeding is inaccurate. Under New York state law, all property received during marriage is joint and several. Therefore Charlie has the right to give half (HIS half it turns out) to Yvonne. More strongly, the press is always called out for lottery winners to prevent these situations. The wife screwed herself when she agreed to have Yvonne at the check presentation which effectively shows her agreeing, albeit not happily, to the arrangement. Finally, to be even more picky, under New York state law, the person BUYING the ticket is the only owner and the other person must prove that the ticket was bought in trust for them (if it comes to litigation of-course). In most cases, people like the bowling team readily split the proceeds without a problem.

Factual error: In the flower garden when Elizabeth, Jeremy and Harry return after they become disappointed with "outdoors" Mom, Miss Cavour shows them a flower she calls a zinnia, but it is actually a morning glory. A related error is that morning glories don't come in multiple colors on one vine. (00:21:00)

Factual error: Harry's tongue gets stuck to the chairlift, and stays stuck, even though it's not cold enough to see anyone's breath, or for everyone to need their jackets zipped-up. (01:11:30 - 01:13:35)

Factual error: When Dante is fined for selling the cigarettes to a child, the agent tells him that his fine cannot be contested in any court of law. That is not correct because of due process; any citation or fine can be contested in court. Dante could plea for a reduced fine or to have the charges completely dismissed.
Suggested correction: He doesn't say the fine can't be contested. He said the summons can't be contested. A summons means having to appear in court.

Factual error: In the saloon at night, Ben Wheeler says, "I can't afford another Workers Comp claim". Workers compensation wasn't started in the United States until 1902. (00:10:25)

Factual error: Roger's dad says when the "Angels win the pennant." During the last final scene/regular season game, after the win, Ranch Wilder announces that "the Angels won the pennant." They would have to have won the American League Championship Series in order to win the pennant.

Factual error: Macaulay Culkin hides the gold coins in the duffel bag of a mall mannequin, Problem is, gold is heavy. It would rip the plastic arm, the duffel bag, or yank the mannequin over (and assumes store people won't change it anyway).

Factual error: When Blankman is riding on the train tracks with his custom mobile, the computer screen shows a straight track when they are actually on a curve.

Factual error: When Mr. Sutphin finds Beverly's things on Richard Speck, there's an envelope he mailed her, with his return address, which is wrong. It is listed as Stateville Correctional Center (which is where Speck served his time in real life): Joliet, Illinois 60434. However, SCC is located in Crest Hill, Illinois 60403.