Factual error: The terrorist with the AK47 is unaware of the fact that a Harrier is hovering just outside the window until he slowly turns and see it there. He does a double take when he sees the Harrier just five metres away! A Harrier is an incredibly loud aircraft; you can hear them from three kilometers away. At that range the floor would shake with the noise and he would have been in no doubt whatever that he had been under attack for some time.

Factual error: During the 1972 New Year's Eve celebration, Forrest drinks a Dr. Pepper with a logo that wasn't devised until around the mid 80s.

Factual error: Finishing his rounds on the morning of Christmas Day, flying over downtown Chicago, the sun is over the horizon west of Chicago, Sunrises occur in the east, not the west. (00:26:10)

Factual error: In the opening shot of the film, a big oak door opens - carved in it is the date 1862 - 42 years after George III died.

Factual error: At the end of the movie, they show a bunch of ducks flying. Those are not ducks, they are geese.
Suggested correction: This was intentional. This is a mostly Minnesotan team and the team is going home. While geese are technically speaking not ducks, they are the state bird of Minnesota and fly in a very similar manner to ducks. This was meant to be a symbolism of them going home to their state.

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie, we see one of the two journalists playing "The Game" in a Game Boy. The other journalist says that the game is available in cartridges and floppy disks. The problem is that the guy playing the game doesn't even has a cartridge inserted in the Game Boy. It's impossible to play ANY kind of game in a Game Boy, if the Game boy doesn't have a cartridge inserted in it.

Factual error: The movie is set in the late 1950s, yet Ed's car has yellow-on-black California license plates that weren't issued until 1963. The plates on Ed's car should be black-on-yellow 1956 issue plates.

Factual error: When Julia Roberts drives away from the building where she finds the dead body of the boy with "LD" written on his hand, it is raining heavily. Yet, as she accelerates, there is an extended sound of tyres screeching on a dry surface.

Factual error: Maverick and the rest of the poker players throughout the movie are using plastic poker chips. You can tell by the sound they make when thrown. Poker chips during that time were made out of wood or ceramic.

Factual error: As mentioned before the radio booth should have had sound proof glass, but when Pip's girlfriend knocks on the glass and says "Hey guys you're on TV" they can hear her perfectly. (00:45:10)

Factual error: Under the rules of Major League Baseball, a team owner cannot also serve as the team's manager; it constitutes a conflict of interest.

Factual error: When Snowflake is being stolen at the beginning, he makes the high-pitched noise that dolphins make even when he is out of the tank; those high peals are made underwater through carrying sound. He wouldn't sound the same out of the water as he did under it.

Factual error: In the first scene of the movie, a diver is underwater, and he is talking to someone on the radio. How can he talk, when he is biting down on the mouthpiece from his scuba tanks? And his mouth is obviously not moving. (00:00:40)

Factual error: The graduation scene would have you believe that they are at Harvard. They are actually at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on the main quad in front of Follinger Hall.

Factual error: The comet is seen to move rapidly across the sky. This in actuality never happens as they are so far away. The speed shown in the film is more appropriate for a shooting star.

Factual error: The Indiana plate on the rich guy's car had an incorrect serial number. The "Amber Waves of Grain" plates had the format 1 or 2 numbers (county code), then a letter in small font, followed by more numbers. The plate on his car was all numbers.

Factual error: When the red BMW hits the curb just before joining the freeway he does so at 70. Hitting the curb at 70 would cause a blowout. (00:17:10)

Factual error: Bones calls the Drill Sergeant "Ma'am" or "Sir" several times and she never does anything. Anyone who has been through Army Basic Training can tell you, a Drill Sergeant will NEVER let "Sir" or "Ma'am" pass without comment. And this is not a character mistake, It would be like calling a Senator "Governor" or a Catholic preacher "Rabbi" and having them ignore it.

Factual error: In an early scene, when Axel Foley is pursuing the bad guys' truck, he is driving a red sports car that is gradually being shot to pieces around him by the bad guys. At one point, his airbag deploys, momentarily impeding his driving. This is a prop error: It was much smaller than a real airbag, it inflated much more slowly than the real thing, and it remained inflated till he mashed it down (real airbags pop and deflate within a second).

Factual error: In the closing credits Matthew McConaughey's name is misspelt "Matthew McConnaughey." (01:20:00)