Best movie trivia of 1992

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Far and Away picture

Trivia: Shannon and Joseph's mean boss at the chicken plant is played by director Ron Howard's brother, Clint.


More Far and Away trivia
El Mariachi picture

Trivia: Director Robert Rodriquez spent a month in a clinic as a "test dummy" to earn the money to film the movie. They only had enough film for one shot. Any of the mistakes found are due to the limited budget available, as they couldn't afford to correct themselves.

More El Mariachi trivia
School Ties picture

Trivia: The scene at Danas's Luncheonette were shot at Danas's Luncheonette in Downtown Lowell, Massachusetts.

More School Ties trivia
Under Siege picture

Trivia: Early on in the film an officer shows a copy of Playboy magazine to a crewman. Erika Eleniak was the centerfold in that issue of Playboy.

John Elwen

More Under Siege trivia
Braindead picture

Trivia: Director Peter Jackson makes a cameo appearance as the Mortuary Director's Assistant when Lionel's mom is being filled with embalming fluid. Whilst the fluid gushes out of Mum, Jackson grabs the sandwich he left beside the corpse and takes a bite. Doesn't he look odd without his beard?

More Braindead trivia
Sister Act picture

Trivia: In the last scene, when the choir sings at the church, the Blues Brothers can be seen on the background in exactly the same position as the church number in the Blues Brothers film.

More Sister Act trivia
The Muppet Christmas Carol picture The Muppet Christmas Carol trivia picture

Trivia: At the end of the film when Scrooge is going round being nice to everyone, as he's on his way to the Cratchit's house, we see in the background a shop called "Micklewhite's". This is Michael Caine's real surname. (01:20:55)

More The Muppet Christmas Carol trivia
Passenger 57 picture

Trivia: At the fairground, when Rane and the two terrorists walk away as Cutter is arriving, there's a white Honda Civic seen. It's license plate reads "outatime", the same as the plate on the DeLorean in Back to the Future.


More Passenger 57 trivia
More Sleepwalkers trivia
Sneakers picture

Trivia: The jacket that Robert Redford wears for most of the film is the exact same jacket he wears in "The Natural" - he got to keep it after filming had finished, and wore it for this film as well.


More Sneakers trivia
Poison Ivy picture

Trivia: The film was originally titled, 'Ivy' and then, 'Our House' until it was finally decided that 'Posion Ivy' was a more grabbing title.

More Poison Ivy trivia
Lethal Weapon 3 picture

Trivia: The building that explodes in the beginning of the film (due to Mel Gibson messing with the bomb) was the old city hall in downtown Orlando, Florida, where the scene was shot. In reality, only half the building collapsed from the explosion.

More Lethal Weapon 3 trivia
Unforgiven picture

Trivia: Most movie buffs probably know this, but the mighty Mr. Eastwood is allergic to horses.

More Unforgiven trivia
Pet Sematary II picture

Trivia: Originally Stephen King's name was included with the opening credits; but after seeing a rough cut of the film, he hated it so much he demanded that his name by taken off the film, and all advertisements.

More Pet Sematary II trivia
More Article 99 trivia
Innocent Blood picture Innocent Blood trivia picture

Trivia: As Loggia and his henchmen are about to enter the strip club, note the movie marquee in the background with the title "See You Next Wednesday." This fictional movie is director John Landis' first attempted screenplay, and appears somewhere in most of his films. Source: (01:32:20)

Kevin Hall

More Innocent Blood trivia
Mr. Baseball picture

Trivia: Jack's home run streak and the fight with the Hiroshima Carp pitcher who hit him were based on 2 actual events by 2 differnt American ex-Baseball players playing in Japan, Randy Bass and Warren Cromartie respectively.

More Mr. Baseball trivia
The Mambo Kings picture

Trivia: The Desi Arnaz character is played by the son of the real Desi Arnaz, Desi Arnaz Junior.

More The Mambo Kings trivia
Singles picture

Trivia: When Debbie is discussing the dating video she wants to make, she holds up a picture of, and mentions, the late actress Edie Sedgwick. Edie Sedgwick was the real-life cousin of Kyra Sedgwick, who plays Linda. (00:47:05)

Jeff Swanson

More Singles trivia
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth picture

Trivia: When Joey's television set is flipping through the channels all by itself, on one of the channels is an interview with Tony Hickox, the director of the film.

More Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth trivia

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