Corrected entry: When Aladdin and Jasmine are singing "A Whole New World" they pass in front of a full moon on the magic carpet, and when they pass over water the reflection is of a crescent moon.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Markinson surprises Danny in the backseat of his car you can tell he is not really driving the car because it is a straight road and he is constantly turning the wheel back and forth.
Correction: Danny drives an old car from the 60s that has never been restored, so the steering would be VERY loose. Even on straight roads you would have to move the steering wheel a lot just to make small corrections.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Penguin takes control of the Batmobile with Batman in it, Batman finds the remote by punching through the floor of the car. How are we supposed to believe that this mass of armour and weapons would have a floor weak enough to punch through? (01:21:40)
Correction: If anyone would know what the Batmobile's weak points are, it's Batman. It could be an access panel.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Vinny and Lisa are in the hotel room and Vinny is revealing that he is scared about the trial, Lisa kisses Vinny goodnight and crawls in the bed. As she reaches over to turn off the lamp on the night stand, it shows an ash tray with cigarette butts in it. Neither Lisa or Vinny smoke in the entire movie. (00:47:40)
Correction: Just because they are never SHOWN smoking doesn't mean that neither of the characters do not smoke. Not a mistake.

Corrected entry: In the party scene where Lucy is receiving her guests the 'cowboy' character leaves his hat on the sofa, where it is sat on. A moment later he is holding it in his hand and it is in perfect shape. (00:22:25)
Correction: This is incorrect. After Dr. Seward sits on Quincey's hat, he gives the hat to Quincey in the same shot. The hat is not seen again for the rest of the scene.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film. Charles Rayne asks the surgeon what time it is. He replies "It's 12 o' Clock" Rayne then jumps up and grabs the scalpel and proceeds to slit his throat. Run it in slow motion and you will see the fake blood on the surgeon's throat before it is supposedly cut.
Correction: Slow motion disqualifies this as a mistake, as it looks okay at normal viewing speed.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when everyone is in Wayne's basement, we see Benjamin painfully walk up to Wayne's house for each ending in the dark. When the scene changes to Wayne's basement for the first ending, you can see through the basement window directly behind them that it's broad daylight. This is especially easy to see when the equipment starts to spark. (01:22:25 - 01:23:45)
Correction: It could just as well be from a flood light. In all likelihood this scene was filmed on a sound-stage, where there would be no natural light to speak of.

Corrected entry: In the final gun fight Clint Eastwood shoots the deputy in the off yellow shirt standing next to "the fat man" in the upper stomach. The deputy does not seem to notice this and keeps firing. In the next scene he appears to be shot again and falls dead, only one bullet hole is visible. (01:57:34)
Correction: That's because the first shot missed. That's why Eastwood's character shot at him again.

Corrected entry: Braindead has been recorded as the bloodiest film ever, literally. About 600 gallons of fake blood was used during the production.
Correction: There is one film having more fake blood ("Nightmare on friday the 13.", with ca 1200L blood).

Corrected entry: In the scene where the mom is going out, and is talking to the boys before she leaves, she is putting in her earrings. As she turns to leave one of her earrings falls out.
Correction: If the earring reappeared in the next few shots, there would be a mistake, but as it stands this isn't a mistake; earrings fall out, it happens.

Corrected entry: After Benny becomes a vampire, he goes to visit Pike at his appartment. Wisely, Pike keeps the window closed so he doesn't get in. However, Benny has a reflection in the window... (00:24:10)
Correction: Nowhere else in the film does it say that vampires have no reflection. The director states (on the DVD) that the film varies from the 'traditional' vampire film.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jacob and Robert Marley visit Scrooge, they mention children from an orphanage having teddy bears. This wouldn't have happened in Victorian Britain as teddy bears weren't introduced until the early 20th century.
Correction: It was only named 'the teddy bear' in the 20th Century (Teddy Roosevelt), but it did exist in Victorian times, except it was referred to as just a stuffed toy.

Corrected entry: Tomahawk cruise missiles on the Iowa class battleships are stored and fired from the armored box launchers mounted on the superstructure. To offload them you would build a crane to swing them over onto the sub. Why build a rail system inside the ship, when the missiles are not inside the ship at all?
Correction: Strannix gives the order to "chop up Broadway" which is main fore and aft passageway of the ship. It is also much wider than the other passageways on the ship, hence the nickname "Broadway". Most, if not all, warships have a rail system running down the center to transfer the huge 16-inch projectiles to and from the 3 main turret magazines where they are normally stored (and probably other large items as well). The railing system is being dismantled and used to build the crane on the exterior of the ship. The finished crane is then shown near the end of the movie transferring the Tomahawks to submarine.

Corrected entry: When Candyman is in Helen's house, he digs his hook into Helen's neck obviously hitting her carotid artery. She would've either bled to death or caught a huge infection because when the cops arrived, they didn't even treat the deep wound. However, one month later, the huge wound is gone, not even with the trace of a scar. Definitely impossible.
Correction: No more impossible than a flying psychopathic reincarnated ghost of a slave come back to a world where only Helen can see him to exact his revenge on innocent victims. Incidents involving Candyman all have some sort of paranormal type activity to them, just like him not appearing in the hospital video of Helen's room.

Corrected entry: At the end of the film, Riggs shoots Travis through the blade of a bulldozer. While essential to the plot, no pistol caliber of any kind, even "armor piercing/cop killer" bullets, would pierce an inches thick, solid steel bulldozer blade.
Correction: It wasn't a bulldozer at all, it was a tractor (have you ever seen a bulldozer lift its blade high enough to shield its driver?). A tractor's bucket is not especially thick steel, still hard to penetrate, but not the massive slab of a bulldozer blade.

Corrected entry: When storming to Vince's office in the beginning of the movie, Deloris was no where near the door (a full 8 seconds away) when Vince made the "Say goodnight, Ernie" statement so she couldn't have heard it, yet when she is talking to the police she includes that in her story.
Correction: Already submitted and corrected.

Corrected entry: When Kevin records the commercial for the Plaza Hotel, the phone number is cut off by his father's voice. When Kevin is in the hotel later on, he plays the tape and his father's voice is not on it at all and he is able to hear the phone number perfectly.
Correction: Kevin had his Talkboy's microphone pointed directly at the TV, so it captured the sound right in front of it and not his father's voice in the background.

Corrected entry: After the group leaves the diner in the opening scene, it fades to black and you hear the "K-Billy" promo. The next scene is the gang walking down an alleyway. As they pass the blue pick-up, you can see Blonde/Madsen is smoking a cigarette. Yet, not 10 seconds later, the shot introducing him as Madsen, he is putting an unlit smoke in his mouth.
Correction: We can't see how finished the earlier cigarette is - no reason he couldn't be immediately lighting up a new one.

Corrected entry: They dug up a caveman in what is apparently the United States. Yet the caveman is a white man. If he was dug up in the U.S., shouldn't he be Native American?
Correction: It's widely accepted now that the Clovis people were the first wave of immigrants to the American continent, and pre-dated those we know as Native Americans. Clovis people were close in culture to Cro-Magnons of Europe and probably crossed the Bering Straight, making their way down the west coast and settling in the south-west about 12,000 years ago. They were not of Asiatic DNA. Today's native Americans are. More info can be found at http://www.crystalinks.com/clovis.html.

Corrected entry: It's extremely unlikely that through the proceedings, before Dr. Mott kills himself, that the family would never have seen his wife, especially with all the news coverage of the story. (00:19:15)
Correction: Not necessarily. Some accused people do their best to shield their spouses and/or children from media coverage. Also, she approached the family months after the husband's death, and gave the impression of being a friendly woman and an experienced nanny. The family has no reason to immediately connect her with Dr. Mott.
Correction: Claire only got to the point of reporting the incident to the medical board. Dr. Mott killed himself before any of the court proceedings could take place.
Correction: They don't pass in front of a full moon. It is a crescent moon with the rest of the moon lit by a da Vinci glow (light reflected from the Earth). Some people tried to correct this because they think the moon is in different phases depending on where in the world you are. Definitely not the case, as shown on https://sciencesy.com/pages/phases-of-the-moon. Because the moon's always facing the earth, and its phase is determined by where the sun is in relation to it, it doesn't matter where you're standing.
JC Fernandez