Audio problem: When Russ jumps from out behind the bush and says, "I say that ant is ours", his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Dooley is in the car on stakeout, he is playing on a Nintendo Game & Watch. They were only capable of bleeps and buzzing noises, yet this one has a sampled laugh, which was never possible on these handheld games. (00:02:20 - 00:10:55)

Audio problem: At the Video Armageddon shortly after the event host first realises Jimmy isn't there, the female voice counting down the time proclaims "...the Video Armageddon will commence in T-Minus two minutes and counting". However, the digital timer on the stage is at precisely 01:00, not 02:00. (01:21:15)

Audio problem: When J.J. is jammin' to her song she notices Jason and screams. She then runs away, and magically the song that was playing on her tape player has stopped. (00:21:15)

Audio problem: During dinner on Christmas Eve there is a shot of the cat chewing on Christmas lights. The sound of the cat chewing is a fraction of a second off.

Audio problem: During the fight with the Scoleri Brothers, Egon warns doctor Stantz about the sudden apparition of the ghost coming through the wall. He yells "Behind you, Raaay!", but in the close-up Harold Ramis' mouth is not uttering "Behind you." (00:35:50)

Audio problem: When the Enterprise fire the torpedo, the sound used is the old series sound used when the ship's phasers were fired, not the correct noise for a torpedo firing.

Audio problem: When Bond takes the 'belt' off his tux, in order to get the concealed rope, there is a scratching sound, as velcro ripping. But the belt is not closed with velcro. We can see metal clamps when the belt lies on the ground and Bond removes the rope.

Audio problem: When the guy goes to draw his gun on "Indy" George in the beginning, there is the sound of it coming out of a hardened holster, but the guy didn't have a holster on. The gun was in his belt.

Audio problem: The auctioneer says the object that Oliver is bidding on is Japanese, but the insert angle of the brochure said it was Chinese. It could be a character mistake, but that wouldn't move the plot anywhere and, besides, this is a movie, so the one who designed the brochure most probably didn't know what the script said.

Audio problem: When Mylee begins to berate Kurt for causing a mess at her store, her lips do not move. (00:36:10)

Audio problem: When Dianne is trying to seduce Bob early in the film, we hear her voice say, "You won't f*k me and I always have to drive", but her lips are saying something completely different. (00:18:35)

Audio problem: When Bill, Ted and the other historical figures are getting Sigmund Freud into the phone booth, in a shot shown from outside the window looking into the booth, Freud says "What are you doing", but his mouth isn't shown moving along with the line. (00:47:13)

Audio problem: While Sal and Eddie are at the old boarded up church, Sal tries to convince Eddie that he's not responsible for Wendell's death, and when we hear Sal say, "Don't worry about being good enough," his mouth is saying something else.

Audio problem: When Angela is using the turret to eliminate the soldiers who have just arrived at the airfield in the truck, you can see for a moment that the gun stops firing and producing flames. However, you can still hear the turret firing.