Wadsworth: You see. It's just like the Mounties. We always get our man.
Mr. Green: Mrs. Peacock was a man?!

Jerry Dandrige: Welcome to Fright Night...for real.

Arius: Your father appears to be cooperating. You will be back with him soon. Won't that be nice?
Jenny: Not as nearly as nice as watching him smash your face in.

Ron Grady: So, what about you and that rich babe you've been cruising to school with every day.
Jesse Walsh: What about her?
Ron Grady: Are you mounting her nightly or what?

Harold Smith: Guard, protect and cherish your land, for there is no afterlife for a place that started out as Heaven. Charles M. Russell, Montana, 1926.

Max Zorin: This will hurt him more than me.

Paul Hackett: Wow, I'm sorry. I guess I'm really puttin' you through the mill tonight, huh?
Marcy: It's okay, I'm used to it.

Mike Davison: It didn't go off.
Melanie Bryce: Oh yes it did.

Inspector Japp: Poirot, please, before I grow old, retire, and move to Brighton, who is it?

Matt Hunter: Tell me something John, what are you going to do when the social security people find out you've been moonlighting?
John Eagle: Ain't found out about my air boat business. Been doing it for 40 years.
Matt Hunter: That's probably because you haven't made a profit in the last thirty-nine.

Space Girl: I am the feminine in your mind, Carlsen.

Diana: Elvis wouldn't do this, and I knew HIM.
Charlie: You didn't know him! You may have fucked him, but you didn't know HIM.

Captain Rhodes: Go on run, run you fucking lunatics.