Other mistake: When Sheriff Tucker shows Pam the newspaper clippings taken from Roy's wallet, plainly two of three columns in the article are identical and have nothing to do with Jason. (01:21:35)

Other mistake: When Mark first meets the Countess and they are sitting at the bar, there is a shot of two girls in the background. In one shot the second girl walks away and then again in another shot the same girl walks away again.

Other mistake: Before the wolf changes back into Evil Ed you can see the black cables pulling the fake wolf across the carpet.

Other mistake: When Joan meets The Jewel for the first time in the room where Omar is holding him prisoner, Omar enters and greets Joan. As he leaves, the shot shows Joan with her back turned to Omar and Omar is heard off-camera saying Joan looks pale. How does Omar know how Joan looks if he doesn't see her, and there is no mirror on the side of the room where they are chatting? (00:36:35)

Other mistake: Fraker's footprints are right next to each other in Kersey's bedroom. The right footprints even with the left footprints. The only way for this to be possible is if he had hopped around the room rather than walking.

Other mistake: When Jakes shoots the two men on the porch of the saloon at the same time, he never aims high enough to hit either of them in the chest, as shown. At best, he would have hit them in the knee but no higher.

Other mistake: In the beginning, as Pee-Wee waits for the crown in his dream, a bell starts ringing, and everyone leaves, leaving him alone. After all the photographers are gone, there is one more flash from a camera before the transition to his room.

Other mistake: At the carnival, the duo is told by the carny that they get seven rings for a dollar, but the only get five.
Suggested correction: The carny never says anything about how many rings a player gets. He only tells them the way to win, by getting a ring on a bottle.
When he's leaning up against the poke he says "Here we are folks. Seven hoops for a dollar."
I stand corrected. I just rewatched the scene. He does in fact say seven for a dollar. Interestingly, it's clear he hands Chun five rings, but when the rings are shown on the bottle, SIX are shown.

Other mistake: During the epic love scene between Helen Shaver and Patricia Charbonneau, look carefully at a closeup shot as Patricia kisses Helen. Parts of each one's hair is inexplicably wet and they haven't been fooling around long enough to sweat.

Other mistake: Lane comes home and sees a package addressed to his little brother, Badger. It's addressed to 1636 Virginia St., Greendale, CA 93065. The actual address of that house was 1636 Virginia St. in Glendale, and 93065 is the ZIP code for Simi Valley. (00:58:30)

Other mistake: When Morris is chasing the ambulance on his bicycle, he gets pushed/bumped towards the picnic table. As he tumbles over the table into the water you can see handle bars attached to the bicycle, however whilst Morris is flying through the air (separately to the bicycle), he is holding a second set of handle bars in his hands. (00:42:50)
Suggested correction: He grabbed onto the handrail bar on the back of the ambulance. That bar broke off, which is why he went straight when the ambulance turned (and the why he has a look of surprise on his face). It's that bar he's seen holding, not handlebars.

Other mistake: It is stated at the beginning of the film that the events that take place start in the spring of 1976, and span over the summer. The Climax, and final scene of the movie, take place on Halloween night. In the scene directly after Milt Sturmfuller was killed, the gas station attendant is seen reading about the slaying in the local newspaper. The date on the paper is Friday September 8, 1980.

Other mistake: When Dagg hits the soldier on the left while the fembot is distracting them, he falls over and the one on the left turns to see what happened. It then cuts to a different view and suddenly the second soldier just falls over without even getting hit.

Other mistake: Most of the obvious misses and awkward parts of the action in the opening can be attributed to the fact that it is revealed a few minutes later being just a drill. However, it does not make sense on any level. The training makes use of live explosives, and at the same time no gunshots are fired but only grenades, with unrealistic trajectories and range. The 'terrorists' don't use their rifles if not to try and bash the good guys on their skulls. That's quite the subpar training, but the top brass are impressed.

Other mistake: The size-proportion of the pyramid seems too small in order to allow the whole structure beneath it, the whole temple and all the people inside.

Other mistake: Between the audition cuts and the finals, some of the kept dancers are not keeping sync with the music.

Other mistake: A long-nailed woman types the opening credits in a computer, but in a couple of instances (the Playboy Playmates, for example) you can see her type away when the credits page is already complete and the names are already there. (00:01:00)

Other mistake: After the Griswolds leave the German couple's house, the man says "Who the hell were they?", and the woman says "Beats the shit out of me." However, since they slept there overnight, they had enough time to discuss it in private much earlier.

Other mistake: When the 4 humans rush out of the pool house, there are 3 aliens not dressed in their human skins watching them leave. The problem is: only one alien has eyes. We've seen the aliens out of their skins heaps of times and they always have eyes.

Other mistake: The posters and DVD / Blu-ray covers with Billie Jean are different. Her lone earring's on her right ear when in the movie it was on her left ear. Her bangs are combed to the left instead of right and her armband's on her upper left arm instead of her upper right arm.
Suggested correction: Something being different on the poster or DVD cover is not a movie mistake.