President Grimshaw: I don't want to see you near my daughter again. That innocent little flower is my treasure.

Walter: I want you all to consider what I am about to suggest to you. You people seem to want what we've got. Well, we have room for you. We have room for you and about 30 of your friends. You would be students of course, but you'd also be teachers. And the new civilizations you would be travelling to would be unlike anything you've ever seen before. But I promise you, you will all lead productive lives.
Ben Luckett: Forever?
Walter: We don't know what forever is.

Cooper: Hulse, I want you to put a special mike on him tonight, one that isolates everything he plays from the rest of the orchestra. Carson, you link it into the gblx 1000 computer.
Maddy: The gblx?
Cooper: Yeah. That thing'll break any code.
Maddy: But that's in control of our entire missile defense system.
Cooper: Honey, will you please - what are the odds of the Russians attacking on a Thursday night?

Monty Brewster: Why is it when there's trouble we're the ones that get into it. I mean, there's a bar full of people and we're the only ones in jail.
Spike Nolan: I don't think it's racial you know, because I'm in here with you.
Monty Brewster: That's comforting.

Emma: You're gonna get a champion roll in the hay.
Tom Baxter: What, there's hay in the bedroom?
Shirley: Oh, thank you, Baba Rama Nana!

Don King: Mr. Chairman, we are a company on the move. I have two mega stocks and a super promotional idea that can bring INC from $500 million, to $1 billion in gross revenue. That is not about white power, nor is it about black power. It's about green power! Money! M-O-N-E-Y! We're talking about geometric progression. One... four... eight... 16... the numbers boggle the mind! So in conclusion, all we have to do is to get off the dime, and put this show on the road. Thank you very much.

Dogati: No more Wagner.

Tampopo: What about your wife?
GorĂ´: She left with the kids.
Tampopo: Why?
GorĂ´: I don't know. I grew up in a miserable family, so I wanted to make my own home the warmest there was. I got married. We had kids. And we had a warm home. But I never felt comfortable there. I don't know how to act in a happy home. Before I knew it, my wife was gone... Maybe I'm just a cold-hearted guy.