Other mistake: In all the shots of ET wearing the white sheet the two eye holes are about a foot apart, so he could see out of the holes properly, but when Michael finds the white sheet ET had been wearing he lifts the material and we see that the two eye holes are only about two inches apart, which makes no sense. (It was Gertie's sheet that had eye holes so close together).

Other mistake: When McCroskey gets the information about Joe Seluchi, he's told that Seluchi purchased life insurance and was impotent. McCroskey informs Ted about Seluchi and the bomb he's carrying but nothing else. When Ted confronts Seluchi, he mentions both the insurance and the impotence.

Other mistake: The movie starts in September 1961 and we are told that the talent show is in June. During the talent show there's a big banner saying 1961 when it should read 1962.

Other mistake: When Deckard visits the Tyrell Corporation, he prepares to test Rachel with the "VK" machine. He is shown putting his briefcase of the table and lifting the "VK" machine out and onto the table. If you look closely, the "VK" machine is already on the table and Harrison Ford is miming the lifting - there is nothing in his hands! (00:19:45)

Other mistake: At the beginning of the scene when Rocky's statue is unveiled and Clubber Lang challenges Rocky to a fight, the camera zooms out of one of the drums that is being played and it is easy to spot that Mr. T's signature is scrawled right across the centre of the drum.

Other mistake: The brief chess game (four moves) shown in the beginning of the movie makes absolutely no sense. For instance: There are no white bishops on the board, but after the human player taps a few buttons, the computer says that he just moved one. Within the two moves described first, the positions of the pieces change completely. In addition, some pieces are now gone and there are new pieces on the board. It's like an entirely different game. The final move is said to have been made with a black rook, which is impossible. In the shot shown before this move, there is not a single position available to that chess piece that would result in an instant checkmate. Nothing in the editing indicates that these few short shots are supposed to be viewed as separate games. (00:04:50)

Other mistake: Rattner and DiMone are game planning about Rattner's date with Stacy (Leigh). DiMone tells Rattner that all he needs to do to score with Stacy is play songs from side 1 of "Led Zeppelin IV" (Zoso). You then hear the song "Kashmere", which is on the album "Physical Graffiti".
Suggested correction: Damone (not DiMone), told Rat that when they were making out to put on side 1 of Led Zeppelin IV. The fact that Rat is playing Kashmir from Physical Graffiti is just to show that Rat was unclear about Damone's instructions.
Not sure if Rat is unclear about Damone's instructions... he said he had 4 steps to making sure that getting a date with Stacy and keeping her around, and if all else fails, to play side one of LZ-IV... seems that Rat would (should) have asked if he was unclear then at that point considering Rat had a crush on her throughout the movie. I think that it's more of a musical inside joke if anyone was/is familiar with the Zep catalog realizing two things - one, the first four steps of Damone's plan didn't work being that his character was pretty shady and fake (off camera...because you don't see Rat implementing any of them) and two, that "he can't even get the music correct" due to his nervousness.

Other mistake: On board the USS Reliant as it orbits Ceti Alpha 6 the systems panels show ship diagnostic diagrams including a wire model of a Constitution class hull, something the Reliant doesn't have. (00:13:01)

Other mistake: When the Aggies are in the locker room after the football game, they are all getting undressed and showering. This is happening right after the game yet none of them have a spot of dirt on their nice white uniform pants. (00:59:50)

Other mistake: There's no way for Shelly to fit his masks, a speargun and other items in the small box.
Suggested correction: No, but we don't know exactly what he might have brought. The first time we see him they're picking up Vera, so it's most likely he brought another bag that could contain the items. He only said to Vera that the small bag was his whole world, but he just met her (Andy mentioned he got him a date for the trip) and he's trying to get her to warm up to him.

Other mistake: In the scene where Charlotte is in the bathroom and Chuck is trying to get her to come to bed, there is a shot of an alarm clock on a shelf above the bed. The time at the beginning of the scene is 1:03. The time never changes throughout the scene, even after Chuck goes to close the drapes and check the apartment. The clock is obviously a prop and is not plugged in.

Other mistake: The shape of the crystal shard is all wrong. In a flashback scene a urSkek is seen "shattering" the original, pure crystal by hitting it with a rod on one of the crystal's flat surfaces. For argument's sake we will say that in their universe it would be possible for this to create a spear-shaped hole in the crystal. However, the top of the shard is a rounded surface; it should have a flat, slanted top to match the top of the hole it came out of. Could pieces have broken off the top of the shard to give it the rounded shape? If that were true the final solution would not have worked; only the whole, pure crystal would restore the urSkeks.

Other mistake: When Rambo turns himself in after the death of Deputy Galt, policemen fire several shots in the direction of the river. No impact of the first shots can be seen at the surface of the river when Rambo seems to be hurt by a bullet. (00:31:55)

Other mistake: The creep tells us that this is the first issue, but mere seconds after the famous ending of Father's Day we see fan mail on the second page, impossible for the first issue. (00:21:05)

Other mistake: The night after burying the bird, a lightning strike projects an image of the tree outside onto the bedroom wall. However, the silhouette has nothing to do with the tree's shape.

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie when Paul Kersey goes into the doctors' locker room to steal an ID tag, he checks several lockers to see if they will open. All the lockers that he tries are unfortunately locked. The problem is there are no locks on any of the lockers. (01:13:55)

Other mistake: Why is it that Marge only discovers the microchip in the Silver Shamrock badge when it drops on the floor in the motel room? Surely she would have noticed it when her son would have thrown the mask against the wall, and it dropped off? Any normal person would have looked at it to see how it would have attached to the mask.

Other mistake: When the thresher blows for the second time, Mr. Ages slides down it into a large chamber into a basket. When he falls into it, he is translucent for a second.

Other mistake: Rupert almost got to the end of the cue cards when he flips too quickly the one saying "Alive", partially hidden behind another he is holding in his hand, showing the one saying "again" too early. So Jerry asks him to go back. And he does, only to bring then from behind "again." There is a small bit when De Niro is off-camera, but for this sequence to go as shown, he would have slipped to the bottom/the back of the pile the "again" card that was already at the top and then put in its place one of the two he had already in hand, the correct one, "alive." The fact that "again", that was at the top of the pile, is pulled from the bottom instead, makes no sense. (01:08:50)

Other mistake: When Conan gathers flowers to "take to the girl", the flowers that he is holding as he mounts his camel, are very long-stemmed, and dark purple in color. In the next scene he is riding the camel and the flowers he is holding are not only very changing color as another post indicated, but they are also very fake plastic / fabric flowers. In the same scene, Conan is then seen wearing a strong of flowers around his neck, those too are very fake flowers. (01:05:00)