Corrected entry: When Paul Kersey pulls out in his car for his first night of hunting thugs, a large light rig is reflected in the car door. (00:23:35)

Corrected entry: When Stryker puts the time bomb on Rock (the computer) it shows a close up. If you look to the panel on the left, you can see a cameraman's head.
Correction: The person reflected in the panel is Stryker. Stryker wearing an oxygen mask which is visible in the reflection.

Corrected entry: When Richard does all those sit-ups, you can tell that Richard only does one, but the people who filmed the scene played it one thousand times.
Correction: In Richard Gere's interview, he discusses how young and fit they were. They actually did the push ups! He actually trained for the fight scene as well.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Perry King puts the thugs arm on the table saw, the amount of blood, and it's position, changes, depending on the shot. This also happens throughout the rest of the film.
Correction: Depends which version you are watching, if it's the THORN EMI UK (cut) version then you are quite correct, the pattern of the blood does change, However, if you are watching the uncut version (now available in the UK), then the scene makes more sense, the simple reason being is that this scene was quite heavily cut and only showed Norris killing Fallon by pushing him onto the circular saw (the scene where he slices his arm off is completey missing).

Corrected entry: During the scene where Dr. Challis is in the bar, he asks the bartender to change the tv channel after getting ticked off at the continuous Halloween song commercial. The new channel has a football game playing on it. According to the timeline for the movie, this day was Friday, October 29th. Very unlikely any televised football would be playing on television on a Friday in October, even college football.

Corrected entry: After chasing the sheriff's posse out of the woods, Rambo kills and eats a wild boar, despite a dearth of wild boar in western Washington.
Correction: Just because they are scarce does not mean he could not have caught one.

Corrected entry: When the evil Ritual Master calls for the crystal bats to fly away to watch Jen and Kira you can see thin white strings as the bats fly from the castle ceiling.
Correction: Copied from IMDB.

Corrected entry: Jessica Lange's character, explaining why she drinks wine, says, "Because it's not fattening and it's not good for me. How many things can you say that about?" Almost all drugs, actually, but not wine, which averages about 60 calories per glass.
Correction: She's being flippant, not literal.
There is nothing in her tone that suggests she is being "flippant." She is an actress and as such would be concerned about her figure and appearance and she would know that alcohol is both fattening and can produce a bloated appearance and cause blotchy skin. Ask any drunk.
I disagree. She's obviously being flippant.

Corrected entry: Why didn't Miss Long make the connection between Jerry's kidnapper and Rupert Pupkin? Rupert made so much commotion at the network's offices in looking for Jerry that they needed guards to throw him out, and yet, she doesn't mention any of this to the FBI agents.
Correction: Langford was also being stalked by Masha, something which his close associates would have been aware of. Perhaps they didn't connect with Pupkin because he was relatively new on the scene compared to how long Masha had been annoying Langford. The point of the movie was to illustrate how desperately clingy some fans of celebrities can get - it could have been "anyone".

Corrected entry: In the third story, the man drops a nickel under the stairs. Later, when he finds the coin, it's a quarter.
Correction: We only see a closeup of the coin once, and it is a quarter. And when the janitor mentions it, he refers to it as a quarter. We never see the coin being a nickel.

Corrected entry: Dar was not struggling enough in the quicksand to sink that far down. Most people will only sink to chest level when they are as calm as he was.
Correction: Firstly, the density of the quicksand would depend on how quickly or far someone would sink. Struggling makes it quicker because it changes the air voids and the density. Also, you answered yourself when you said "most people". This could certainly be one of those situations when Dar is not "most people."

Corrected entry: Just what time does Henry Winkler go to work, anyway? There's an implication he goes in at about 6pm, because we see him going into the subway while everyone else is coming out during the afternoon rush. If that's the case, he should get out of work sometime in the middle of the night. But when we see him coming home, it's already daylight. That means he would work a 14 hour day. That's unlikely for a city worker.
Correction: Not necessarily. There are a number of variables that could effect this scenario that are unknown to the viewer. The first is addressed by yourself, exact time he leaves for work. Second, length of commute. Third, time of year which affects exact hours of daylight. Fourth, exactly what the character does on his way to work, we know he stops and gets a paper and reads it leisurely as he walks, maybe he also stops and gets something to eat. Fifth, the exact length of the afternoon rush hour in New York City in 1982. There are simply too many unknowns to call this a true movie mistake.

Corrected entry: There are 4 toothbrushes in the pot, but only three people live in the house. (00:04:35)
Correction: I've often had more than one toothbrush in my toothbrush holder just for myself. Plus, that's how it was drawn in the book.

Corrected entry: At the party after the show with "Jazz Hot", some of the people are congregated at what is obviously a white tie affair. All men present are in white ties. Except Squash, King's body guard. He is wearing a black tie.
Correction: He is there as an employee (of King's). Not a guest, so he is not subject to their dress code. Note the barmen and waiters are also not wearing white ties.
Correction: There is a fast food restaurant in front of the car's door. The light could have been from the fast food restaurant.