Best thriller movie quotes of 1981

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An American Werewolf in London picture

Alex: David, please be rational. Let's go and see Dr. Hirsch.
David: Yeah, be rational. Sure. I'm a fucking werewolf, for Christ's sake.

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Body Heat picture

Ned: You better take me up on this quick. In about 45 minutes, I'm going to give up and go away.

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Thief picture

Frank: Did it ever occur to you, to try to work for a living? Take down your own scores?
Unnamed Detective: OK, fuck this guy.
Urrizi: I'll tell you something, I'm gonna be on your ass so much, you're gonna get careless. And on that day I'm gonna be in that place.
Frank: And that, is the last place that you wanna be. 'Cause no matter what happens, I will never, ever take a pinch from a greasy motherfucker like you.

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Nighthawks picture

Peter Hartman: Oh, for Christ's sake, DaSilva! Come off this cop on the beat mentality! Your wife left you for it! Wasn't that enough.

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Time Bandits picture

Randall: People who are always right make me sick.
Fidgit: That's why you get along with yourself so well.

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Absence of Malice picture

James A. Wells, Assistant U.S. Attorney General: We can't have people go around leaking stuff for their own reasons. It ain't legal. And worse than that, by God it ain't right.

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Halloween II picture

Bud: Amazing Grace, come sit on my face. Don't make me cry, I need your pie.


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Friday the 13th Part 2 picture

Vicky: What does the winner get?
Mark: What does the winner want?
Vicky: Guess.

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The Evil Dead picture

Linda: We're gonna get you. We're gonna get you. Not another peep. Time to go to sleep.

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Outland picture

Security Sergeant Montone: Nelson, we're talking about nuclear detonators here. You don't just "lose" them and then "find" them. You lose your comb and then find it, but not detonators. Now I want to know where they were found, and who found them. You get my drift?

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The Howling picture

Donna: Haven't you ever done Assertiveness Training? Before I looked into the Doc, I did it all - EST, T.M., Scientology, iridology, Primal Scream... I don't know, I figure another five years of real hard work, and maybe I'll be a real human being.

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Wolfen picture

Dewey Wilson: They kill to protect family?
Old Indian: In the end, it's all for the hunting ground.

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Death Hunt picture

The Pilot, Capt. Hank Tucker rcaf: I'm Captain Hank Tucker, rcaf. I've come to bring the fugitive to justice. Where's headquarters?
Sergeant Edgar Millen: Wherever I'm standin'.

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More Omen III: The Final Conflict quotes
Blow Out picture

Sam: I didn't hire her for her scream, Jack, I hired her for her tits.

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X-Ray picture

Susan: What do you want, Harold?
Harold: What I've always wanted Susan, your heart.


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The Funhouse picture

Mrs. Harper: I don't see why you wanna waste your time with a guy who works in a filling station.
Amy Harper: It's a first date, Mama. We're not getting married.

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Graduation Day picture

Truck Driver: Ah, fuckin' graduation day. They make a big deal out of it, like it was somethin' special or somethin'.

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Ms .45 picture

Bag Lady: Don't know why they want to persecute me because I don't talk to women. All women do is laugh, and sing, and say the word 'Pussy'. Y'ask any doctor, and he'll tell you that.

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