Ned: You better take me up on this quick. In about 45 minutes, I'm going to give up and go away.
Ned: You can stand here with me if you want but you'll have to agree not to talk about the heat.
Matty: I'm a married woman.
Ned: Meaning what?
Matty: Meaning I'm not looking for company.
Ned: Then you should have said I'm a happily married woman.
Ned: I need someone to take care of me, someone to rub my tired muscles, smooth out my sheets.
Matty: Get married.
Ned: I just need it for tonight.
Ned: Hey lady, ya wanna fuck?
Mary Ann: Gee, I don't know. Maybe. This sure is a friendly town.
Ned: Sometimes the shit comes down so heavy I feel like I should wear a hat.
Matty: What are you doing in Pine Haven?
Ned: I'm no yokel, I was all the way to Miami once.
Oscar: Whatcha got for pie today, Stella?
Stella: I got cherry, cherry and cherry.
Oscar: Well, what do you recommend?
Stella: I like the cherry.
Oscar: Bring it on.
Peter: Assistant County Prosecutor is not the end of the line for me.
Ned: No, no. Someday, Deputy County Prosecutor.
Judge: Mr. Racine, the next time you come into my courtroom I hope you've got either a better defense, or a better class of client.
Peter: I'm really disappointed in you, Racine. I've been living vicariously off you for years. You shut up on me now, all I have is my wife.
Ned: How's the cop business, Oscar?
Oscar: Real good. Always starts hopping in weather like this. When it gets this hot, people try to kill each other.
Answer: Matty had Teddy tell her how to rig the bomb with a timer. She activated the bomb, escaped in a boat on the water, leaving Ned holding the bag. But, with a good lawyer, he would have easily beat the case. Unfortunately, he confesses to his cop friend, Oscar, in the jailhouse (which might be inadmissible).