Best movie quotes of 1981

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Scanners picture

Paul Ruth: I want you to access the Ripe program. I do not have ConSec computer clearance.
Cameron Vale: Neither do I.
Paul Ruth: But you do have a nervous system. And so does a computer. And you can scan a computer, as you would another human being.

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Condorman picture

Krokov: Have you seen this report on this Condorman? On this man Wilkins? He is an amateur, do you hear? He is not an agent of the CIA! He is a writer of comic books.

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Hell Night picture

Marti: But Seth is bringing back help.
Jeff Reed: Seth isn't coming back.

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Ms .45 picture

Albert: Hello, Bobby.
Party Host: And Sister?
Albert: Thana.
Party Host: That's a charming name. Is that Greek?
Albert: It's Greek to you, Bobby.

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Saturday the 14th picture

Yolanda: Oh, look. Isn't that that boy Bavarian from Budapest?
Waldemar: No, that's a fruit bat from the Philippines.

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Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie picture

Yosemite Sam: Where am I? It sure is powerful warm in here. Is this Dallas?
Satan: No, but you're close.

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Death Hunt picture

The Pilot, Capt. Hank Tucker rcaf: I'm Captain Hank Tucker, rcaf. I've come to bring the fugitive to justice. Where's headquarters?
Sergeant Edgar Millen: Wherever I'm standin'.

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Night of Terror picture

Mark: You're getting a raise out of me all right, but it has nothing to do with money.

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S.O.B. picture

Tim Culley: What'd you give him?
Dr. Irving Finegarten: Oh, a pinch of this, a dash of that. Sometimes referred to in the trade as a Sleeping Beauty Boilermaker. Take no notice if he begins to levitate. It's a common side effect.

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For Your Eyes Only picture

James Bond: Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
Q: That's putting it mildly, 007.

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Polyester picture

Francine Fishpaw: Oh Elmer, that dog stinks to high heaven. You'll be permeated by his odor.
Elmer Fishpaw: Yeah? Well, this whole world stinks, Francine, so get used to it! You and that big nose of yours are startin' to get on my nerves. Snortin' around the place like a goddamned anteater. I've about had it with you. Gimme that drink! Hurry up.

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Blow Out picture

Sam: I didn't hire her for her scream, Jack, I hired her for her tits.

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X-Ray picture

Susan: What do you want, Harold?
Harold: What I've always wanted Susan, your heart.


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Ghost Story picture

Don: You're dead.
Eva: And you will be, too. Dead and wet and cold.

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Graduation Day picture

Truck Driver: Ah, fuckin' graduation day. They make a big deal out of it, like it was somethin' special or somethin'.

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Cutter's Way picture

Maureen Cutter, 'Mo': Speaking of which, you're home awfully early, aren't you? Couldn't you find a matron with a taste for gutter squalor?

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Escape From New York picture

The Duke: What did I teach you?
President: Y-You are the... Duke of New... New York. You're A-Number One.
The Duke: I can't hear you.
President: Y-You... You are the Duke of New York! You're A-Number One.

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The House Outside the Cemetery picture

Bob Boyle: Ann? Mommy says you're not dead. Is that true?

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Happy Birthday to Me picture

Virginia Wainwright: God, you've got a lot of nerve.
Etienne Vercures: That's not all I've got. Want to see?

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