Swan: Here's the contract. Everything I've said and more is in it.
The Phantom: I'll read it.
Swan: At your leisure.
The Phantom: "The party of the first part gives the party of the second part and his associates full power to do with him at their pleasure. To rule, to send, to fetch, or carry him or his, be it either body, soul, flesh, blood or goods." What does that mean?
Swan: That's a transportation clause.
Diana 'T.N.T.' Jackson: Look, lady, or whoever you are, I accepted a ride from you to Joe's Haven. And that's all you need to know about me.
Elaine: Bitch.
Dr. Ernest D. Hubbs: You did your major work applying game theory to the language of killer whales.
James R. Lesko: Well, it seemed cheaper than applying it to roulette.
Dr. Ernest D. Hubbs: Did you actually succeed in making positive contact with the whales?
James R. Lesko: Only with the emotionally disturbed.
Dr. Ernest D. Hubbs: How were you able to determine that?
James R. Lesko: We talked.
Sally Potter: Are you a Stray Cat?
Mike: No, I'm a roadie.
Sally Potter: Roadie sounds like some sort of vagrant. What is that exactly?
Mike: It's like an army batman, only without the uniform. I make sure there's enough beer, chips and rubbers to go round. I supply the birds, the pills and the pot. And anything else that might be required to satisfy their lust... carnal, or otherwise.
Vera Charles: However, in 'Fallen Angel' all of my clothes were done by Chanel! She said to me, 'Cheri' - she always called me Cheri - 'Cheri' she said, clothes not only make the woman, clothes make the world!' Oh she's brilliant! Sell her own mother, but brilliant. The costumes for my new show are so dazzling, that we expect complaints from the orchestra.