Gloria Swanson: Oh. My jewel case. It's bomb proofed, the insurance people insisted upon it. Oh. My idea of heaven is never to have to pack or unpack. Why didn't I think of that before. Here. Here. You know what? The hell with the jewelry let's put my book in here. Thank you. Here you are my darlings, it's all yours - I never wanted to have the damn thing published when I was alive anyway.
Captain Stacy: I hear we expect a bumpy ride tonight.
Urias: I used to know a stewardess who thought that was sexy.
Captain Stacy: You're weird, you know that?
Arnie: What do you do in Salt Lake City?
Bill: I went there once. It was closed.
Carol: What is going to happen?
Nancy Pryor: We're going to land the plane somehow.
Gloria Swanson: Do you know that my first trip to California took five days? So if we have to spend a weekend in Salt Lake, we're still ahead.
Joseph Patroni, Jr.: Look Mom there's another airplane out there.
Mrs. Patroni: Where?
Joseph Patroni, Jr.: Right out there.
Mrs. Patroni: Oh my god there is.
Joseph Patroni, Jr.: It's an airforce jet.
Joseph Patroni, Jr.: He's probably checking the damage. He's going to help us.
Mrs. Patroni: He is.
Oringer: Is there much damage?
Joe Patroni: No, not much, theres just a hole where the pilots usually sit.
Joe Patroni: Y'know, sometimes the public's right to know gives me a huge pain in the ass.