Lee: You were always so sweet to me, at Daddy's legendary Sunday lunches.
Philip: I can still see you sitting on Olivia DeHavilland's lap.

Mike: You'll like Bath... better class of fuck in Bath.

Gator McKlusky: Only two things in the world I'm scared of.
Sheriff Connors: Only scared of two things, what's that?
Gator McKlusky: Women and the police.

Hellman: Isn't that just like a woman? She wants to be treated like a man... and then she cries.

Dan Freeman: You have just played out the American dream... and now, we're gonna turn it into a nightmare.

Adolf Hitler: Are you mad? Are you insane?

Ray: See that man! That's fuckin' pigs blood. If I was scared it would have been my blood.

Dutch Schnell: Skip the facts, just gimme the details.

Frank Harmon: Miss... I don't pick up hitchhikers.
Breezy: That's the best news I've heard all day.

Harold DeMilo: Are you blackmailing me Mr Mahoney?
Curtis Mahoney: Goodness no... I'm just an average person with an above average curiosity... and of course I don't make make friends easy.

Laura Baxter: This one who's blind. She's the one that can see.