Truly Scrumptious: Well, Mr. Potts!
Caractacus Pott: What's wrong?
Truly Scrumptious: Now you'll have to marry me!
Oscar Madison: I can't take it anymore, Felix, I'm cracking up. Everything you do irritates me. And when you're not here, the things I know you're gonna do when you come in irritate me. You leave me little notes on my pillow. Told you 158 times I can't stand little notes on my pillow. "We're all out of cornflakes. F.U." Took me three hours to figure out F.U. was Felix Ungar.
Frank Beardsley: I don't quite understand. Am I being stupid?
Helen North: No, you're being a man. Which is sometimes the same thing.
Elizabeth: What's it gonna do, Bruno?
Bruno, The Chauffeur: Well, it's gonna it's gonna make a big flash and go bang.
Virginia: Oh boy.
Gerald Hardcastle: Well, Ted, you can take it from me that in the entire history of this world no man never yet had any pleasure out of a woman without having to pay it for.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: What is this game you call to get the brightly colored balls in the hole?
'Wyoming Bill' Kelso: Pool.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: POO?
'Wyoming Bill' Kelso: Not poo! pool.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: Oh, POOO-EL.
'Wyoming Bill' Kelso: That's right.
Hrundi V. Bakshi: How many people can play this poo-el?
'Wyoming Bill' Kelso: Oh one or two or a whole bunch of people.
Ringo: Liverpool can be a lonely place on a Saturday night, and this is only Thursday morning.
Joe Bass: If God ever made two greater inventions than a pretty woman and a bottle of whiskey, I ain't heard of it.