Hondo Lane: You baked today. Smell fresh bread on you. And top of that you smell all over like a woman, rich and warm and soft. I could find you in the dark Mrs. Lowe.

Joe Starrett: What do you make of him?
Shane: He's no cowpuncher.

Capt. Dooley: Tell them we're in a jam. Loosen up and lose some altitude. We're turning North West until we run out of gas.
Pilot: But if we go North West Captain, we'll fly right off the map. It says "unchartered" up that way.

Narrator: Give this man satin undies, a dress, a sweater and a skirt, or even the lounging outfit he has on, and he's the happiest individual in the world. He can work better, think better, he can play better, and he can be more of a credit to his community and his government because he is happy.

Loco Dempsey: You don't think he's a little old?
Schatze Page: Wealthy men are never old.

Diana: Then all the tales I've heard of you are true.
Marcellus Gallio: Every man makes enemies.
Diana: All your enemies seem to be women.

Princess Ann: I could do some of the things I've always wanted to.
Joe Bradley: Like what?
Princess Ann: Oh, you can't imagine. I-I'd do just whatever I liked all day long.

George Loomis: Too bad, they can't play it for you now, Rose.

Mario: Wherever there's oil there's americans.

Ernie Driscoll: There are worse things than murder. You can kill someone an inch at a time.

Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: Are you wondering whether I'm a witch?
Tommy: Aged 11: Suppose you are a witch?
Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: Suppose I am.
Tommy: Aged 11: Would you do a guy a favor?
Mrs. Hazel Pennicott: I've been waiting for twenty years to give a guy a favor.

Lorelei Lee: Dorothy. Mr. Esmond and I are getting married.
Dorothy Shaw: To each other?
Gus Esmond: Of course to each other. Who else to?
Dorothy Shaw: Well, I don't know about you Gus, but I always figured Lorelei would end up with the Secretary of the Treasury.

Lt. Ted Wilks: You have any doubt Duncan killed himself?
Dave Bannion: No, none at all, but I just got back from the county morgue.
Lt. Ted Wilks: You mean the barfly? I read the teletype about your identification.
Dave Bannion: Lucy Chapman used to be Duncan's girlfriend.
Lt. Ted Wilks: And the army's and navy's.

Steve Aloysius Williams: You just gotta quit looking at me like I was George Washington and Babe Ruth and Florence Nightingale all rolled into one.

Lancelot: Aye, it is the valley of death... the Devil himself has plowed it under.

Flight Lt. Peter Ross: Hello.
Maria Gonzar: Hello.
Flight Lt. Peter Ross: So... you weren't killed.
Maria Gonzar: No... I hardly ever am.