Lucy Muir: I wish you wouldn't swear. It's so ugly.
Captain Gregg: If you think that's ugly, it's a good thing you can't read me thoughts.

David Sutton: My liver rushes in where angels fear to tread.

Ronnie Jackson: Everything you touch turns to rigormortis.

Edgar Bergen: Yes, the voice of this golden harp cast a magic spell of joy and prosperity over the valley, but it was too good to last.
Charlie McCarthy: I knew there was a catch in it.
Edgar Bergen: For one day.
Charlie McCarthy: They built a school house.
Edgar Bergen: No, no.

Bobby Turner: Babe! Go away.
Babe Doolittle: Is that all you have to say to me?
Bobby Turner: No! Leave me alone.

Tommy Udo: I wouldn't give you the skin off a grape.

Bugs Bunny: Ah, my public. How they love me.

Judge Lord Thomas Horfield: I do not like to be interrupted in the middle of an insult.

Colleoni: You see the gold on them furnitures? Napoleon stayed here with Eugenie.
Pinkie Brown: Who's she?
Colleoni: Oh, some foreign palone.

Cahill: Mr. Ballentine, you're the defendant in this case, are you not?
Larry Ballentine: I am.
Cahill: Charged with the brutal murder of Verna Carlson.
Larry Ballentine: That's right.
Cahill: Are you willing to describe for the jury - to describe truthfully - the events which led to the placement of that charge?
Larry Ballentine: I certainly am.
Cahill: To the jury, please.

Fred Gailey: Look Doris, someday you're going to find that your way of facing this realistic world just doesn't work. And when you do, don't overlook those lovely intangibles. You'll discover those are the only things that are worthwhile.

Easter Rabbit: Remember, keep smiling.

Kathy Lacey: Oh, Dave, we couldn't get married without you. What happened?
Dave Goldman: Nothing. That's just it. I can't abandon my family forever, and I can't find a house or an apartment. If it was just me, I'd sleep on the subway, but I've got Carol and the kids. I've got to go back. I'm licked.
Phil Green: But that means your job, your whole future.
Dave Goldman: I'll live. I've done it before.
Kathy Lacey: But, Dave, that's terrible.