Question: What were the last words in the movie? Sounds like "Can't get squadrons"?
Question: Is D'Artangne's gold sword the same prop sword which Ignio Montoya used in The Princess Bride?
Answer: No. Inigo's sword has a jeweled hilt. D'Artagnan's is not jeweled.
Question: Was there any reason given as to why many of the names (Aang, Sokka, Iroh, etc.) and the term "Agni-Kai" are pronounced differently than in the television series?
Answer: The TV show Americanized the pronunciations whereas the movie said them correctly.
The show is American, so with original characters you're allowed to say them how you want.
Question: Is David Thewlis still banned from entering the China for his role in this movie? I know that Brad Pitt's ban was lifted in 2014, but was Thewlis' ban lifted too?
Answer: Brad Pitt's ban was lifted in 2014, but David Thewlis is still banned from entering China to this day.
Answer: He says "You can't kill a squadron".