Plot hole: Jose is the only one carrying the bag of money, then he gets killed, in the next scene Anthony and the others have the bag on the table though none of them were carrying one besides Jose.
Suggested correction: Kirby and Klingon were both running with bags of money.

Plot hole: Joan of Arc is called to save Orléans from the siege of the English. But if you look In the scene where we see a bird's eye view of the city, you will notice that there are no guards on its walls. A siege is the means enemy soldiers try to cut a city from its supplies and contacts. Those soldiers should be guarding it day and night, and sometimes even shooting arrows or rocks in it, until the city resigns. The siege we see at Orléans is nothing but a lonely catapult which shoots once a week.

Plot hole: Roberta asks Jack to drive her car from the port to the casino to smuggle a transmitter through the checkposts. Since her links to the revolution were known to the authorities, and the chances that her car would be checked were much higher than with Jack's (which eventually also happened) it would have made much more sense if he had transported the transmitter in his own car. (00:08:00)

Plot hole: After the marines fire into the crowd and things die down, Jackson tells his men to stay down because of possible snipers. Yet he is standing upright the whole time. Not the best tactical move. One sniper and the mission loses its commanding officer.

Plot hole: Jennifer Ehle gets a note from her husband, who is a prisoner in the men's camp a few miles away, saying, 'We're escaping on Sunday night. See you in Sydney.' So, even though this note is going to be passed via several people, any of whom might betray him, not only does he explicitly say he plans to escape, but even when he's going to do it. No wonder he gets caught.

Plot hole: When Pumpkin is telling Sayuri about Hatsumomo talking to Dr. Crab, she says that she was waiting outside during the conversation, and while she could hear it, she couldn't see them. However, at one point Pumpkin describes a facial expression of Dr. Crab.

Plot hole: Following Pellew's meeting with Lord Hood, he tells Hornblower that they had to get back to Plymouth as quickly as possible. The next scene depicts them at fleet landing in the Pool of London, with a number of battleships at anchor. Line-of-battle ships simply were unable come that far up the Thames. Should it have been intended to depict that they had, following a two-day trip via carriage to Plymouth, gone aboard the Indefatigable there, it is illogical for the French troops to march all the way to Plymouth. A quick glance at a map of Britain supports this contention.

Plot hole: During the war sequence, when Samuel dies, how necessary was it for the two Germans to go through the trouble of setting up a machine gun to shoot him? I find it hard to believe they had no other weapon but that. It seems to have been done only to build suspense. (00:42:45)

Plot hole: How did Glabrus know about Silesian pirates aiding the slave army's escape? He informed the senate of this and yet was not made aware of it at the time of his capture.

Plot hole: When the Major and Wadislav walk up the stairs in the German mansion they are met by a pair of German officers who say something to them. Wadislav then tells the Major that he couldn't understand a word they said. What they actually said was 'Nice weather, wouldn't you agree?' Wouldn't you think that a man who speaks German well enough to convince the guards in a German HQ would understand such a simple phrase? Wadislav was chosen specifically for his ability to speak some German.

Plot hole: It's brought up several times that the kind of music Cronauer is playing is not acceptable. Then why would such records of those songs be at the radio station in the first place?

Plot hole: In the scene for Heihachi's funeral: Gisaku is at the funeral and is seen full face as Kikuchiyo shouts the bandits are coming. Everyone runs for their posts and bent over Gisaku is left standing by the grave. Kikuchiyo runs to dismantle the bridge with his crew when Gisaku's son, his wife and baby come by to get the old man who they say has refused to leave the mill. There is no way Gisaku could have outrun Kikuchiyo to the bridge and there is no way that his son and daughter-in-law could have known he was in the mill"

Plot hole: The radar operator reports a bogey at 15,000 yards, without, at first, giving a bearing, yet everyone on the bridge immediately looks to the starboard bow.

Plot hole: In the movie the German sub is in the middle of the Atlantic about 1500 miles from the American coast the American submarine is an S-Class boat which had a top speed on the surface of 12 Knots even less underwater and it spent part of the trip submerged. This means that it would have taken them at least 5 or 6 days to reach the German Sub. This is 1942 There would have been dozens of other German subs a lot closer who could have come to their rescue.

Plot hole: As the destroyer homes in on the Nerka, the sonar operator gives a running commentary of its actions. His last message is that he hears splashes of depth charges. As close as they exploded, he wouldn't be hearing anything else, because he kept the headphones on.

Plot hole: At the beginning of the movie, Lady Sarah Ashley's husband is killed before Nullah rides to Faraway Downs. There he sees Sarah go into the home and find her dead husband. This would mean that somebody had to recover his body and transport it to Faraway Downs faster than Nullah, who went straight there following the murder.

Plot hole: A tunnel is used for escape in the opening scene. Based on the massive effort exhibited in The Great Escape, how did they dig such a tunnel w/o access from the barracks? Where did they deposit the dirt? Effort to dig such a tunnel would require massive time, effort, and wood. All that effort for only 2 guys to escape.

Plot hole: As the Spanish fleet looms out of the fog, Hornblower is able to identify individual ships, a remarkable feat since every ship is wearing the same paint job.