Times Are Changing (1) - S9-E1
Character mistake: Almanzo says he hasn't seen his brother Royal in 10 years, but in fact he saw him not long ago as he looked after his 2 sons who were terrors, and at that time Royal didn't even have a daughter.
Suggested correction: Royal's wife was pregnant when he visited years before Laura had the baby.
What happened to Pearly Day? Almonzo's younger brother?
Not sure if this varied in the show, but in real life Pearly Day had six children and died in 1934 just a month prior to his 65th birthday.
Almanzo had 2 brothers. Royal and Jenny's dad, the one that was dying.
That may not work, unless Laura and Almonzo were not married yet at the time of Royal's first visit, but it is a good suggestion.
In the TV series, the episode that they were taking care of the boys was only six episodes before Laura found out she was pregnant, and Nellie's babies were still babies throughout that time so it wasn't that long. And Rose wasn't that big When they came to visit, so it was probably only 1 1/2-2 years of a time gap. Also, when Royal and Jenny came to visit, Almanzo introduced Royal to Laura as if they had never met before.
It was NOT years! Royal, his wife and 2 sons visited Almanzo in Season 7. His wife did announce she was pregnant in the end. However, when Royal comes back to visit with Jenny, at the beginning of Season 9. If Jenny is supposed to be the baby Royal's wife was pregnant with then she would have still been a year old or 2 at most. They do explain that his wife died, but what about those boys? They would have been early teens by then. Nothing is ever said about them or why they aren't with Royal.
But Laura says "glad to finally meet you Royal", when he came with Jenny. But she met him when he came with the boys.

Character mistake: When Hoss takes Timmy for a horseback ride, after they both dismount by the lake, Hoss calls Timmy by his real name Johnny (Whitaker) and not Timmy.

Sleeping with the Enemy - S3-E6
Character mistake: Noel Shempsky (the supposed Star Trek Nerd) attributes the quote "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one" to James T. Kirk, when it was Spock who said it. (00:03:50)

The One With Joey's New Brain - S7-E15
Character mistake: After Susan Sarandon slaps Joey the first time, after he tells her that her character is dying on DOOL, she turns away and right before she is off camera she smiles, instead of maintaining her anger. (00:06:05)

Character mistake: When talking to a family, Christina says that the patient had "hematomachrosis" instead of "hemachromatosis"

Farhampton - S8-E1
Character mistake: When Barney is telling his story to Quinn in a minute he says, "Ted and I stopped being friends, Ted got hit by a bus, we made up." Barney got hit by a bus, Ted got hit by another car. (00:12:10)

Little Box of Horrors - S7-E18
Character mistake: Katya (as Nina) says that Pandora's Box is "a gift the gods gave to Prometheus." But the Box was given to Epimetheus, not Prometheus. Epimetheus ignored the warnings of Prometheus, his brother, and accepted Pandora herself, who bore a box, as a gift from the gods.

Character mistake: Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper at Pemberley, refers to Mr. Darcy's late mother as Mrs. Darcy while showing Elizabeth and her aunt and uncle the house. This is a grave mistake on the part of the filmmakers as she should have been referred to as Lady Anne, the way her sister is known as Lady Catherine. Their father was an Earl, making them Ladies by birth, not by marriage. Hence, they must be called Lady followed by their first name.

The Man in the Fallout Shelter - S1-E9
Character mistake: Hodgins is talking to Bones and says something about Goodman not being able to see his family and Zach not being able to see his kids. Goodman has kids, Zach was going to visit his family, not the other way around.
Suggested correction: With Zack's kids, Hodgins was referring to the 40 cousins and nephews that Zack has, and sees every Christmas.

Character mistake: The firefighters state that the acronym for CPR is ABC for Airway, Breathing, Circulation. This is very outdated as in 2010 the American Heart Association changed the recommendation to CAB for Compressions, Airway, Breathing following evidence that compressions first in CPR saves more lives.

Character mistake: At the Roadhouse Cooper states that the second victim (Maddy) was found dead two days ago. It has been less than 24 hours since the body was found: he likely means she was murdered two days ago.

Character mistake: Marissa said to Ryan (in episode "The Brothers Grim") that the last time she was in Chino, she "saved his ass". She was referring to Thanksgiving, but that's not the last time she was in Chino. The last time she was in Chino was in "The Nana" when she ran there after finding out about Luke and her mother's affair.
Suggested correction: She saved his ass when she talked to Eddie about letting him stay. So her phrasing is correct.

Character mistake: When John-Boy reads the nursery rhyme "Simple Simon" to his nephew, John-Boy points to the colorful illustrations in this book and tells John Curtis, "See, that's Simple Simon, he's a bear." This is incorrect. In the illustrations, Simple Simon is a donkey, and it's the pieman who is a bear (he's wearing a chef's hat and apron). (00:40:50)

Character mistake: When Charlotte is looking at her wedding announcement in the New York Times, there is a close-up shot of part of the article. It says, in reference to Charlotte: "She is a writer and editor at Fashions Magazine in Manhattan". This is not true, nor has it ever been true. Perhaps the producers of the show threw that in, to see if anyone would notice. Also, the same article mentions: "The bride, who will be keeping her name..." and yet we never really hear Charlotte use the name York instead of Goldenblatt. (00:16:45)

Character mistake: Charlie tells Thedy that the hair ribbon embroidered with her name cost 65 cents, "five cents a letter." But her name is Thedy Sue Hill, which is only 12 letters - or 60 cents worth. (And no, the extra is not due to a sales tax, which in 1962 would have been two cents, tops, and didn't even exist yet in many states.). (00:12:00)
Suggested correction: This was not an error. Charlie is a bumpkin. He was ripped off due to his lack of intelligence.

Character mistake: When David encourages the gang to dance at Scott's birthday party, David mistakenly calls Kelly by her actress' name, Jennie Garth. He says, "Scott, you're off, Buddy. Jen, kind of getting into it."

Character mistake: The invitation for the wedding comes with a calendar for the month of April, with the date of the wedding circled. There are 31 days shown on the calendar, but there are only 30 days in April. (01:12:42)

Character mistake: The date on Louise's plane ticket to London is listed as "Thursday 16 February 2017", but the month "February" is missing the U, misspelling it as "Febrary." (00:15:56)

Character mistake: In Season 5, Episode 4 ("The Heart Attack Boys"), Abishola twice gives Christina an injection without swabbing her skin with alcohol. Abishola is an RN and would never make that mistake.