Audio problem: When Daisy is at the bar (acting), she gives Walter "5 reasons men come to a bar." When she says "Three: They wanna see that they're missing," her lips are not in sync with the words. It's tricky to see because they used a shot with the camera behind her.
Monkey See, Doggie Do / Mommy Fearest - S1-E2
Audio problem: In "Mommy Fearest", Ima Goodelady asks the Powerpuff Girls where they are going. Blossom tells her they're fighting crime, Buttercup speaks and then Bubbles adds, "Duh." However, her mouth doesn't move.
Audio problem: When the creepy guy with the weird hair knocks Korra back a zone, the very distinct buzzer isn't heard. (00:09:35)
They're Back, Aren't They? - S3-E1
Audio problem: When the cops draw their Glocks, they make a cocking sound. Glocks are striker fired, there are no safeties or hammers on the exterior to manually operate for the handgun to make a noise. (00:03:20)
Audio problem: When Anakin says, "What? Uh-oh," his mouth does not move. He just looks shocked that his lightsaber could not cut The Zillo Beast.
Audio problem: When Talbot comes upon the Hulk in his helicopter, the helicopter doesn't make a sound until it appears on screen.
Audio problem: When Roman is addressing Bill and Eric, as he says, "To meet under these circumstances", his lips don't move until he says the word "circumstances". (00:46:05)
Snow Drifts - S3-E21
Audio problem: As past Hook carries Emma aboard his ship, he drunkenly and loudly declares, "Behold! The Rolly Joger." Although they are several meters away from the camera, you can see that his lips are barely moving. (00:32:15)
Pokemon, I Choose You! - S1-E1
Audio problem: When Delia Ketchum says, "Oh, Ash, I'm so proud of you," the items that the Pallet Town townspeople are holding aren't being moved, however, the sound from banging of those items is heard. (00:07:35)
Audio problem: When Tyrion is saying he wants to stand on top of the wall, it is an over the shoulder shot, however his mouth doesn't match up with what he is saying. (00:07:40)
Cygnus! Hyogen no senshi - S1-E3
Audio problem: To satisfy his weird mother fetish, Hyoga dives with a rose in his mouth, but that does not prevent him from shouting his battle cry. (00:07:00)
Audio problem: When Decker and the professor walk across the college campus, there's a badly-looped bit of dialogue that causes the professor's line to continue after his lips have stopped moving. (00:05:05)
Another Song for Christmas - S1-E13
Audio problem: At the very beginning the audio track of the outside noise at the dealership seems to have been laid wrong. It runs into the next interior shot and abruptly stops.
The Alien Costume: Part 1 - S1-E8
Audio problem: When the field reporter is saying "The shuttle is headed for the greater metropolitan area," his mouth movement does not match the word "metropolitan." (00:04:15)
Audio problem: When Janet is talking to Michael about how she loves Jason, there is a shot looking at Michael with Janet to the right. Janet is talking but her lips aren't moving.
Episode #1.1 - S1-E1
Audio problem: When Kang-bae is speaking with Mi-ran at the pop-up bar, there is a shot focusing on Kang-bae, where Mi-ran can be seen in the corner of shot saying "I hurt your face", but her lips don't move. (00:40:00)
Guilmon Comes Alive - Part 1 - S3-E1
Audio problem: When Jeri starts miming with her sock puppet, it is sometimes out of sync with her voice. It is most noticeable in the part where Takato has detention.
Onna no koi wa snesouyo! Kakutou shintaisou de iza shoubu - S1-E12
Audio problem: When Ranma and Akane close the door behind them avoiding the gas trap, the English dub adds a lot of coughing, even when they have their mouth closed. (00:16:40)
Audio problem: As the Fore Shadow is charging up its blast each time, when first shown it makes a high pitched shrieking sound as the energy spreads across The Web of cables fanning out from it. However as the battle continues, this sound effect becomes very inconsistent when it plays in correlation to the energy blasts charging up on the ship. (00:02:15 - 00:03:20)
The Great Voice Robbery - S1-E3
Audio problem: Several times throughout the episode while the characters are speaking in other people's voices the spoken words don't match the lip movements.