Factual error: When Klaus and Ben visit Dave at the hardware store in November 1963, they arrive in a 1965 Imperial. (00:32:48)

Factual error: In the Pope's coronation procession they play the anthem Zadok the Priest. It was composed by Handel for the coronation of George II in 1727, 235 years after this coronation took place.

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7
Factual error: Lorna uses the word 'okay'. The first recorded usage of this word in America was not until 1839 and in Britain not until the 20th century. The series is set in 1814 and generally uses language contemporary to its setting.

Purpose in the Machine - S3-E2
Factual error: When examining the sand, Bobbi states "According to carbon dating..." Fitz finishes by saying "It's a billion years older than the earth." However, carbon dating is only good at determining the age of something to about 60,000 years old. The only thing carbon dating could tell about the sand is that it is 60,000 years old or older. It certainly couldn't determine that the sand was 5 billion years old.

Factual error: In Season 2, Episode 3, Peter and the Irish family rob the bookmakers and the security guards shoot at them. In Ireland, even the police don't carry weapons. Let alone security guards.

Factual error: Despite the several episodes containing serious offences like murder, you never see two barristers on any side. It is usual with serious offences for each party to have one Queen's Counsel and a junior, and although there are exceptions, we never ever see this very common practice in any episode.

Factual error: The originally-aired version spelled the word "Acquisition" without the "c" and it appeared in the credits as "Aquisition." This goof has been corrected in the DVD versions.

Factual error: In the final scene where Grace Mayberry's house is raided in Trenton, NJ. a New Jersey State Trooper is wearing a badge on his chest. The NJSP has always worn a triangular shaped badge on their hats.

Factual error: Tarrant fails Astronomy 101 here, just as Travis did in the first season. He tells the clerk, "I'm surprised you've heard of it (the FSA), if you're from another galaxy." The Tharn and his minions were not extragalactic; they were from other planets in our galaxy. (00:35:10)

Factual error: When Pug comes home, Rhoda puts on a Christmas record. The record player has an automatic changer that drops the disc and then moves the arm into place. Though a small 45 rpm changer was designed as early as 1938, and this movie's set in 1942, the type Rhoda uses here wasn't around for another 20 years. (00:09:00)

Captain Jack Harkness - S1-E12
Factual error: When Gwen finds Toshiko's hidden message from 1941, she realizes that it was written in blood, and her flashlight reveals the bright red letters on the now-yellowed piece of paper. But after 60+ years, the iron in the blood would oxidize. The writing on the note should be rust-brown, not red. (00:33:40)

I Married a Mind Reader - S1-E11
Factual error: A nitpicking mistake, but on the set of "I Married a Mind Reader", the front door is a modern steel design. Back in the 60's, front doors were almost always wood (steel doors weren't available until the 1970's or 80's), and the window design would have been larger on a 1960's fan-window wooden door.

A Sour Note - S2-E2
Factual error: Gino commits a murder using a six-shooter with a silencer attached, and his shot doesn't make any noise. But it should have. Though it's a long-standing Hollywood cliché, a revolver with a silencer wouldn't be silent at all. Unlike automatic weapons, revolvers are open-chambered, which allows sound to escape. They can't be muffled with a silencer. (00:34:00)

Factual error: The sea plane that lands to rescue Savage at the end is a type not built until after the war. And it's marked "U.S. Air Force," an entity that also didn't exist until after the war. During WWII, what later became the Air Force was known as the U.S. Army Air Corps.

Factual error: Robin, Laney, and Kelly decide to move into the loft that used to belong to Courtney. When Courtney lived there, it was set up like a loft. It was one large room that was sectioned off into a bedroom, living room, and kitchen. On the 9/29/06 episode, they show Robin, Laney, Kelly, and Patrick in the loft and suddenly it's much larger and seems to have separate bedrooms for all three girls. Why didn't the show have the three girls move someplace other than Courtney's loft or why didn't the show make up for the mistake by having the loft expanded or something similar?

The Sins of the Father - S4-E9
Factual error: A character is revealed as having been hypnotised into committing murder against their will. This is not possible. (00:05:20)

Factual error: At one point the barristers are seen going into the old arch entrance of the Old Bailey. However, you cannot actually go in that way, it's blocked off, you have to go in the more modern entrance and through a series of security checks.

Factual error: (Season 4) During the episode where Ms. Grubman and Christian are talking in his office and he turns around a few seconds later to see she had died while in her wheelchair, her head and posture is still straight up and forward - near impossible. Common physics tells us that upon death, her head would have either drooped backward, downward, or to one of her sides.

Factual error: When Rose is introduced to the entire team McGloin shakes her hand and says that he (respects or admires) anyone that has survived the POW school. She smiles, nods and walks away. McGloin then explains to the last remaining teammate that all NIOs attend the POW school and explains briefly what it is. First: It is the SERE school. Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape not really POW. Second: Not all, not even most, NIOs attend SERE school, just some.

Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades - S3-E6
Factual error: The NOFX CD Rachel gives to Peyton is titled "Drunk In Public". The real title is "Punk In Drublic".