Irene Adler: Why are you always so suspicious?
Sherlock Holmes: Should I answer chronologically or alphabetically?
Mr. White: If you shoot me in a dream you better wake up and apologise.
Johnny Tran: I'll see you in the desert next month. Be ready to have your ass handed to you.
Dom: You're gonna need more than that crotch rocket.
Johnny Tran: I got something for you.
Carter Slade: Why'd you do it? Why'd you make the deal?
Johnny Blaze: I was a kid.
Carter Slade: What'd you get in return?
Johnny Blaze: Heartache.
O2: Where's your bathroom? I gotta shit.
Jackson Curtis: When they tell you not to panic... That's when you run!
Chucky: You little shit. Do you realise what you've done? It's too late. I've spent to much time in this body. I'm fucking trapped in here!
Castor Troy: You'll be seeing a lot of changes around here. Papa's got a brand new bag.
Jack Bruno: Don't go in the pimped out fridge Jack.
The Terminator: I'll be back.
Kenny Wells: God, we work hard in this business. Sometimes for nothing. I wake up every morning. I tell myself, "I don't have to do this. I get to do this." And then it's just blue skies. Blue skies, baby.